Example sentences of "allow [noun] [noun] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , if we 're not allowing nerve tissue to be used in the feedstuffs of cattle , because we suspect that it might be carried in that , and therefore being transmitted to live , er , one species to another , how is it now we can buy chops with nerve ti tissue in it ?
2 The Court of Appeal held that although " the court should be vigilant to see that the benefit of the procedure of making a statement in open court is not used to the unfair disadvantage of a third party , " the public interest in allowing libel actions to be settled outweighed the damage which Crozier apprehended .
3 Stereoscopic images can be produced from such oblique views , thus improving the information content of the images by allowing terrain elevations to be derived directly from the remotely-sensed images .
4 These are compiled from the human-readable form in which they are written to an internal form , allowing Prolog unification to be used as the mechanism for passing information and rule application in each of morphology , parsing , interpretation , and selection filtering .
5 Section 8 of the Railways Act 1974 allows grant payments to be made to suitable applicants , provided that there will be a significant environmental benefit , the anticipated expenditure is of a capital not revenue nature , British Rail will carry the desired freight , the rail freight facilities will encourage a transfer from road to rail and that , relatively speaking , the wanted rail freight facilities would not be viable without a Section 8 payment .
6 The interactive line editor , XEDIT , and an interpreter for REXX ( which allows command files to be constructed ) , run under CMS
7 This allows error reporting/recovery to be controlled by the program .
8 The Hotel Manager 's room status facility allows room status to be updated by using the telephone keypad as an input terminal .
9 A stand-alone facility is delivered with the LIFESPAN issue which allows module headers to be mass-produced .
10 ICI 's ‘ Melinar ’ business has developed a new grade of PET that now allows plastic bottles to be refilled and reused .
11 The network system allows access paths to be defined at any level and thus allows much greater flexibility .
12 The LFS also allows agency workers to be distinguished , but these make up only some 50,000 of the l.5m temporary workers in Britain .
13 The Markov methods represent the bottom-up approach , and they model English text as a Markov process which allows transition probabilities to be assigned to various letter combinations or n-grams .
14 VG Microtech has launched a new electron transfer lens which allows XPS images to be produced using the CLAM2 hemispherical analyser .
15 This allows input conditions to be set up in advance .
16 In addition Final Film are introducing BT 's International System Digital Network , a hi-speed data transfer system which allows design work to be sent from the computer screen down a landline .
17 It allows interest rates to be kept lower .
18 Additionally , the recording of spatial relationships between parts is extended , allowing tolerance build-up to be simulated in either the maximum or minimum material condition to produce a " region of certainty " for final part positioning .
19 In 1920 , Austen Chamberlain transformed the system by allowing tax exemptions to be claimed no matter how big the taxpayer 's income .
20 A bilateral tourist exchange agreement was signed by the two countries on Jan. 5 , 1990 , allowing tourist visas to be issued within 15 days of application .
21 At the policy-making level , decisions should be taken within an administrative context that allowed policy objectives to be examined against the financial constraints imposed by finite resources .
22 Altogether , the six studies which comprised the Belfast project , five from Belfast and one from Lurgan , allowed language variation to be analysed on the following dimensions : rural versus urban ; high-status versus low-status ( relatively speaking ) ; east of the city versus west of the city .
23 POLICE yesterday rapped social workers for allowing baby Harry to be discharged from hospital with a fractured skull into the care of his mother and the man who finally killed him .
24 While the Macintosh and the PC have mutually exclusive disk formats , even the new 3.5″ PC disks are totally incompatible , there are a number of products which allow PC disks to be read or written from a Macintosh .
25 Erm so in assuming that that in these sort of situations , the speaker and the listener erm quote Share a set of interpreted procedures which allow speakers intention to be encoded by the speaker and correctly interpreted by the listener .
26 They allow data structures to be set up easily and then to be changed as experience is gained in operating the system .
27 As we saw in section 2.1 , we can not state the truth conditions of sentences with indexicals without reference to the deictic function of indexicals ; but if we allow truth conditions to be relativized to speakers , addressees , times , places , indicated objects , etc. , then it looks as if many aspects of deixis can be accommodated within truth-conditional semantics .
28 They allow desktop objects to be collected at a single point and emulate a paper notebook , displaying pages on the screen .
29 They are resistant to cleaning agents and chemicals and allow cylinder markings to be easily read .
30 Hence the existence of syntactic alternatives which allow word order to be varied .
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