Example sentences of "meet they at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I first met them at a trial .
2 One met them at every turn asking plaintively , ‘ Has edyone god edy andihysterbine tableds ? ’
3 He met them at the gate and was smiling .
4 His Lordship Monboddo , wearing a little round hat and a farmer 's suit , met them at the gate .
5 And er also many engineers when they were out their time , they went to Glasgow and for a few years , he , everybody who went from Galashiels , word got through to him and he met them at the station and got them settled in their digs in Glasgow .
6 Although the other judges would not look at the assessors ' lists , Burn met them at the hall and compared his list of preferences to theirs .
7 He met them at the gates of the airfield ( still a debris of contractors ' equipment surrounded by barbed wire ) and informed them gravely that if they entered — no difficult matter — they would be breaking the law .
8 ‘ There will be no great welcome back here for the tour party — the only people to meet them at the airport will be their wives , ’ he said bitterly .
9 But even before the farmers had come up to the market someone had probably met them at the station , because each dealer had a tout — a local man .
10 He had met them at the Piazza Venezia two hours before .
11 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
12 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
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