Example sentences of "result of [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A drop in the rate of growth from 5.9 per cent in 1989 to 3 per cent in 1990 was the result of limited growth in the dominant agricultural sector due to adverse weather .
2 One of the most important recent examples of such a study was the result of joint work by an anthropologist and an economist , and focused on critical appraisal of many of the assumptions about goods current in economics ( Douglas and Isherwood 1980 ) .
3 Before we embark on a major explanatory exercise , however , we must be sure that the effect is truly causal , and not just the spurious result of joint association with a prior explanatory variable , as explained in chapter 12 .
4 An aroused evangelical nonconformity , however , in turn alarmed and alienated many of the religious liberals amongst the Unitarians and those Friends resistant to enhanced religious authority through creed , and in the office of ministers as a result of evangelical tendencies in their own Society .
5 There have also been changes in the length of a ‘ generation ’ and the overlap between generations in families as a result of changing patterns of marriage and family formation .
6 ‘ 1,150 schools were closed mainly , but not entirely , as a result of industrial action by public service unions ’ .
7 Then there is a hiatus in the profile , with the period 5500 — 2000 B.P. missing , possibly as a result of drying out ( Walker , 1983 ) or , more likely , as a result of prehistoric peat-cutting before 2000 B.P. ( Birks , 1987 ; Whittington and Ritchie , 1988 ) .
8 Composition and performance are the same ; anyone can take part ; music-making is not objectified into ‘ works ’ but is the result of improvised variation of collectively owned resources .
9 All the same , the phrase ‘ pounce down upon ’ , like the word ‘ scamper ’ , is in keeping with the attitude to adventure which is still apparent even after the three commanders have found suitable wives and have won promotion to the rank of admiral as a result of successful expeditions in the Pacific .
10 In part this diversity is the result of wide variations among legal systems , popular definitions of crime and patterns of illegal activity .
11 The absence of the category of consciousness inevitably plays down the role of individual subjects and thus of individual agency and resistance as a result of specific acts of will .
12 Thus the generation 1690–1720 saw a considerable transference of real power from the King to Parliament , partly as a result of specific acts of legislation and partly because of the enormous changes in the country 's fiscal system and relationship to Europe which occurred in these years .
13 Unlike the Law Commission the Criminal Law Revision Committee was a standing committee that was only activated as a result of specific references by the Home Secretary .
14 At the end of NEP the author of an article in the Bolshevik Encyclopaedia claimed that Russian orphanages were ‘ the result of capitalist exploitation of the masses ’ .
15 As a result of sharp cuts in state subsidies prices of essential goods doubled overnight , and increases in the prices of other goods were expected to outstrip that as they found true market levels .
16 The expansion in manufactured exports to Portugal was the result of sixty years of prosperity in the gold mines of Brazil .
17 I would like the Prime Minister to visit Wallsend because he visited the neighbouring Conservative-held constituency and saw the destruction arising from the Meadowell riots as a result of 13 years of Thatcherism .
18 He had enough private means to be able to follow his own highly original path of historical research and reflection , so that his first book , The Age of the Gods ( 1928 ) was the result of fourteen years of research .
19 Mr Crowe emphasised the achievement was no flash in the pan but the result of continuous improvement over several years .
20 This allows for a far greater sophistication of analysis because it recognises that the state and the policies it pursues may well be a result of internal conflicts within the state or due to conflicts between fractions of the capitalist class or from struggle by classes opposed to capitalism .
21 What matters is the effect of basic instinct which Eliot had earlier presented as the result of actual murder in a simpler urban context when he described in ‘ Eeldrop and Appleplex ’ the living death experienced by a man who has murdered his mistress .
22 The essential point here is that the producer must show that the defect was the inevitable result of compulsory compliance with domestic or Community law .
23 The potential for malignant transformation at the site of implantation as a result of chronic irritation from the metal remains a theoretical problem worthy of consideration .
24 The composition of teams in schools is rarely the result of systematic analysis of functional needs and recruitment by logically derived criteria .
25 Amuni , who suffers from rheumatism and epilepsy , received severe beatings about the head ( other detainees have reported damage to their eyesight as a result of systematic beatings about the head ) .
26 But this is almost certainly the result of systematic observation in Chichester Harbour .
27 What is now called the nature of women is an eminently artificial thing — the result of forced repression in some directions , unnatural stimulation in others …
28 The court 's verdict on Jampa Ngodrup 's case said he had asked a young monk working at the Barkor Clinic to compile a list of people detained as a result of violent clashes between police forces and demonstrators on 5 March 1988 .
29 A change in magma composition may occur during a single eruption as different parts of the magma chamber are tapped , but more significant compositional changes , often leading to the production of more acidic ejecta , may arise during the overall lifespan of a volcano as a result of chemical changes in the magma reservoir .
30 As a result of verbal directive from Macmillan to Corps Comd at recent meeting we have undertaken to return all Soviet Nationals in proviso about use of force and we have issued instructions that force may be used if absolutely necessary .
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