Example sentences of "far too [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And , viewed objectively , the risk of death from a single punch is far too remote to enter into one 's reasonable contemplation .
2 What these children face is a kind of colonial experience which they are far too young to fight against .
3 She was far too early to go to the office , it was a waste of time to go home and she could think of nothing to do .
4 Educational technology is a theory and a set of hypotheses ; it is a habit of mind , and a readily applicable methodology ; it is far too early to claim for it that it has a large body of accepted practice .
5 Then there was an unannounced shock of antique sound , a rapid arpeggio , far too real to come from a radio or record .
6 To say that he viewed her as a challenge would be absurd — Nicky Scott Wilson and his type were far too assured to think of life in terms of challenges .
7 Walks : Far too many to manage in one holiday , even if you did nothing else .
8 Anyway , she 's far too tame to survive in the wild , so she lives quite happily at Maureen 's .
9 Such a crack is far too small to see under the optical microscope and might be hard to see with an electron microscope .
10 Looked far too small to play with Wallace up front .
11 Of course , extra space-time dimensions are a commonplace of science fiction ; indeed , they are almost a necessity , since otherwise the fact that relativity implies that one can not travel faster than light means that it would take far too long to travel between stars and galaxies .
12 Sybase UK 's marketing director , Keith Dixon , says ‘ object-oriented technology as a complete set is still immature and is far too complex to incorporate into existing software .
13 Again , such schemes seem to be far too broad to relate to detailed aspects of linguistic structure .
14 The battle at the creek had begun , and they were far too undone to go to it .
15 The biographical approach to Jesus ' life , and the psychological study of his own mind , were thus left with far too little to work with .
16 They think that they are far too rare to travel with the ordinary animals on Noah 's ark so they build their own ’ .
17 They think that they are far too rare to travel with the ordinary animals on Noah 's ark so they build their own ’ .
18 She said tersely , ‘ It seems to me that Adam has had far too much to say for himself .
19 Modern pressures have ensured that today 's youngsters have far too much to say for themselves and do not always display the respect for their elders which they should .
20 And I 've far too much to do on the farm .
21 It 's far too much to handle on your own . ’
22 A good example of Airdrie 's dogged persistence came when Alan Lawrence , looking far too frail to survive amid the Rangers defence , somehow wriggled clear of Oleg Kuznetsov on the right and flew the ball to the head of Owen Coyle , who headed high and away from Andy Goram as the goalkeeper twisted to his left .
23 In any case , Lorraine was far too preoccupied to think about romance .
24 foods rich in fat or refined sugar might seem very attractive but usually prove to be far too tempting for our own good ; it is far too easy to over-indulge in these kinds of food .
25 ‘ I 've been far too busy to look for one of those , ’ Rain said .
26 Olga herself was far too busy to worry about what Hank was doing , but she wished Donna would mind her own business .
27 The actual speed at the time is usually far too slow to allow for any use of the airbrakes , but there is plenty of room ahead for a safe landing .
28 When a batch of orangs was ready for return to the forest they were put in crates and carried by porters up the banks and along the bed of the Bohorok river — the forest there is far too dense to walk through — and released at least 15 miles ( 24 km ) from the station .
29 The package was far too large to stuff down the side of the chair , but Mrs McMahon tried anyway , then gave up , and , with a helpless glance at her son , leaned back , ‘ Nothing , ’ she repeated .
30 In the first , there are protein molecules in the cell which bind specifically to X. Consequently , when an X molecule passes randomly into a cell , it may become bound to a protein , which is far too large to pass through the membrane .
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