Example sentences of "far more [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It is far more difficult to be simple than to be complicated .
2 It is far more important to be moving forward in broadly the right directions than to be stuck still without the businesses going anywhere .
3 It is far more important to be at one 's office desk on time in the morning , to leave late at night , to process the endless paperwork which characterizes such organizations , to attend the endless meetings , and never to complain if they appear to achieve little , than it is actually to achieve the business objective of making more profit .
4 ‘ In spite of your intuition , my dear Shiona , Janice is a much nicer person than you , and far more suited to be Kirsty 's mother . ’
5 In the short term , however , mutation is far more likely to be harmful .
6 But it makes sense to consider other explanations first , because family problems are far more likely to be the source of trouble than household chemicals .
7 A small amount of alcohol is far more likely to be beneficial than harmful to healthy people who enjoy a drink
8 It is far more likely to be the person to whom the others seem to defer whenever there is any query or discussion .
9 Male callers however are far more likely to be looking for easy solutions to a debt problem , usually a further loan or re-mortgage which in the long term will often make the problem worse .
10 ‘ Young men are far more likely to be victims of violent crime than women and the risks of being raped by a stranger are very small indeed ( approximately one in 25,000 ) but most women would put the risk at a lot higher .
11 The home kitchen is no longer a comforting place of continuous humming activity and bubbling stockpots ; it is far more likely to be the scene of short-term frantic effort .
12 Clinard and Yeager discovered that violations were far more likely to be committed by large corporations .
13 She wrote to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York , but both declined to appear as witnesses in the trial , Dr Coggan arguing that a jury were far more likely to be influenced by ordinary people testifying to the poem 's blasphemous nature than by ‘ professional ’ Church leaders .
14 For instance , the use of cannabis by the young is far more likely to be branded as ‘ drug-taking'/'drug addiction ’ and hence a ‘ social problem ’ than is the consumption of thirty cigarettes a day by adults or half a bottle of brandy by middle-class businessmen .
15 This can lead ( Walker , 1978 , 3 ) to the ‘ ecological fallacy ’ in which theories of deprivation use average scores of deprivation measures to pin-point deprivation ‘ black spots ’ , which under this approach are far more likely to be found in urban rather than rural areas .
16 Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice and the evidence available shows that children from professional backgrounds are far more likely to be in the top streams than working class children .
17 Women working more than fifteen hours per week part-time are far more likely to be in an employer 's pension scheme than those working less ( OPCS , 1990 , Table 10.14 , p. 229 ) .
18 They are inclined to be retiring , anxious and solitary and are far more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators .
19 For many years it has been known that black people are more likely than whites to be admitted to hospital for treatment of mental disorder , more likely to be admitted compulsorily following being arrested in a public place by the police and far more likely to be diagnosed as having schizophrenia than white people .
20 Happily these days , when the system falls down , hari-kari is far more likely to be symbolic , in the form of bankruptcy , reorganisation , or composition , than physical .
21 An approach from an organisation which begins : ‘ We represent … ’ is far more likely to be heeded than one from an individual which begins ‘ I want … ‘ .
22 This , as Biddy Martin and Griselda Pollock both show , is far more likely to be liberating than inhibiting .
23 A plea of honest belief that a girl is above 16 is thus far more likely to be pleaded and with far greater success than a plea of honest belief in consent on a rape charge .
24 In the house , interesting activities were far more likely to be spread throughout the day .
25 The modern actuary is far more likely to be a well-rounded individual , meeting people and advising on vital aspects of corporate development , than buried in a statistical department .
26 The distinction of meaning is especially clear with perfect participles ; these show a well-known alternation between interpretation as expressing an event ( therefore the occasion value ) and interpretation as expressing a state : ( 23 ) labelled goods vs sent goods The word sent is unusual prenominally precisely because it has the sort of meaning which makes an actual or implicit reference to the event of despatch , and hence it is far more likely to be used post-nominally .
27 If the users participate more , perhaps being responsible for the design , then they are far more likely to be satisfied with and be committed to the system once it is implemented .
28 And I think we 've reached the stage , where the county council said , you come to us with a new initiative , and we 're far more likely to be , bend over to help you , than , than under the present .
29 They were far more likely to be concealed in one of the buildings round about and it was here that Owen was concentrating the search .
30 ‘ Those children that truant are far more likely to be involved in juvenile crime . ’
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