Example sentences of "believe that [pron] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Once she had , after she had listened with a gentle face to Jack 's admission , his ultimatum , that Alison was different , Alison was ‘ for keeps ’ , believed that nothing could be worse , that she had now experienced the worst .
2 That when it did , she believed that they would be obliterated totally , like midges slapped into nothingness by a giant .
3 Few believed that they could be transformed to fulfil the goals of ‘ modern ’ care .
4 But Sergia believed that you would be fearful , would skulk in space beyond the planet .
5 In Willmott v. Atack the defendant intervened as the police were in the course of effecting an arrest because he believed that he would be able to persuade the person being arrested to cooperate .
6 Cook believed that there might be evidence for a ‘ young Earth ’ in the fundamentalist sense of literal biblical interpretation , due to the presence of helium-3 in the atmosphere in quantities whose origins are hard to understand unless they are from fusion .
7 She believed that there would be changes , a new cycle of prosperity , Mussolini will fall .
8 In his early writings , published between 1850 and 1861 , Spencer echoed the opinion of the pro-feminist , J. S. Mill , in his belief that convention had stifled women 's academic achievement , and while he believed that there would be ‘ natural ’ limits on women 's achievements he saw no harm in educating them .
9 He believed that there should be some form of demonstration against such displays and set about organising the ‘ march for righteousness ’ .
10 There was one , but the Austrians had it reduced in size because they believed that it might be used as an observation tower by the recalcitrant Milanese .
11 Presumably you also believed that it might be possible to negotiate some form of multilateral disarmament in the region ?
12 In order to make it suitable , Minto believed that it would be necessary to build on at least two extra rooms .
13 The earthly family was divinely instituted , and devout families believed that it would be reconstituted in heaven .
14 For a long time , I believed that it would be possible to overthrow the Irish regime by English working class ascendancy …
15 Palestine was still an all-Arab question and few believed that it would be recovered save through the united endeavours of the Arab states .
16 Some of them believed that it would be brought about by an ideal representative of God , an anointed one , a Messiah ( see chapter 8 ) .
17 On the other hand , many commentators believed that it would be disastrous for the Republicans to nominate Reagan encumbered as he supposedly was by three disadvantages : his lack of experience of national office , his age and , most importantly , his identification with the extreme right of his party .
18 He believed that it would be possible to reconstruct an animal from a single bone — certainly , faced in the Paris basin with a valley of dry bones , he fired the imagination of contemporaries and of later generations by calling them back to life .
19 But they believed that it would be a small part of the £21.3 million . ’
20 It would have been wrong to propose abolition , and in any case no member of the Commission in fact believed that it should be illegal for a parent to spend money on a child 's education .
21 They believed that anything could be obtained by force and were determined to exact the last drop of blood .
22 About 3,000 people converged on foreign embassies in Tirana on March 6 , believing that they would be opened to asylum-seekers ( as in July 1990 ) .
23 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
24 Clothes and personal effects may only be seized if the custody officer : ( a ) believes that the person from whom they are seized may use them : ( i ) to cause physical injury to himself or another ; ( ii ) to damage property ; ( iii ) to interfere with evidence ; ( iv ) to assist him to escape ; or ( b ) has reasonable grounds for believing that they may be evidence relating to an offence .
25 I find difficulty believing that they will be able to do that , simply because the detailed assessment that has been done to date , as we 've heard so many times is is incomplete .
26 It was of some length and contained a number of obiter dicta about the obvious gravity of the crisis through which the nation had passed , the less obvious but equally searching crisis which it still faced , the dangers of living in fools ' paradises and believing that there could be play without work , the crushing burden of debt , and the responsibilities of the wealthy classes .
27 Many clients can become frustrated by this fact , believing that there must be some very significant detail in their past which has caused them to become anxious or stressed currently .
28 France , with its large agricultural production , was a strenuous protagonist of a common agricultural policy , believing that it would be a major beneficiary of such a programme .
29 The Home Office may think it necessary on security grounds to make regular changes , perhaps believing that it would be undesirable for the routines of governors to be known to the general public .
30 Prior to requesting the client to sign such a letter , the firm must be satisfied that the client can properly be regarded as a corporate finance client and place a note on file to this effect ( which is to say that there are no grounds for believing that it would be more appropriate to treat the client as a normal investment business client ) .
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