Example sentences of "believe [that] they [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So by 1 March Fleischmann and Pons believed that they were on course to getting immediate confirmation of the neutron energy spectrum from Harwell independent of Jones , whom they were increasingly viewing as an unwanted competitor .
2 I honestly believe that the rail workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent , other workers would n't have accepted the one and a half per cent if they believed that they were on their own that they were gon na fight in isolation .
3 The government made no effort to redeem this promise but Unionists believed that they were in a temporary phase pending the reconstruction of the upper house , and that it was therefore no business of the government to bring in other constitutional Bills before they had settled the constitution itself .
4 If we compare two twelfth-century texts , such as the Peterborough continuation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ( East Midland ) and Layamon 's Brut ( South-west Midland ) , we could not be blamed for believing that they are in different languages .
5 I have great faith in locally-elected planning committees , but I do not believe that they are in a position to scrutinise the NRA 's proposals in the comprehensive way that that proposed expenditure clearly warrants .
6 The net result is that there is no more reason to believe that our brains are like a cat 's than there is to believe that they are like a rat 's .
7 ‘ Highlander 's vision is to make people who feel they are on the margins , believe that they are in the centre .
8 In following his guidelines Christians believe that they are in no way impoverishing human nature or divesting sex of its importance but are putting it into its proper sphere , where it can be enjoyed with mutual benefit and with no tragic side-effects .
9 It was believed that they were to stage yet another demonstration at the Party conference , this time during tomorrow 's crucially important debate on immigration .
10 Though France is the primary target when the US hits the first $300 million worth of exports in December — America believes that they are behind the EC 's ‘ stubbornness ’ — Britain is next in the firing line .
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