Example sentences of "believe [conj] [noun prp] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 However , by July there were signs of more serious trouble and City analysts believed that Eurotunnel might need a further £1bn to pay for a near tripling in the cost of the shuttle fleet and meet the rapidly increasing costs of labour and materials in South East England .
2 The SPD believed that Adenauer should have taken up opportunities for talks with the Soviets , particularly Stalin 's March 1952 proposal for a reunited but neutral Germany ( which the Western powers saw simply as a Russian bid to prevent German rearmament ) .
3 Rebecca believed that Lissa could bring about her downfall , and she was almost bound to try to do something about it .
4 It has been seen that French wartime planners believed that France could gain from European economic co-operation .
5 The government believed that BT could reduce the real price of phone calls in subsequent years for two reasons : unusually good opportunities for cost-saving technical advances , and a previous lethargy as a public industry which it was hoped privatization would dispel .
6 Berlin was a potential ‘ flash-point ’ and few believed that Germany could remain divided forever , but in a sense both sides were satisfied with what they held : Russia had its defence glacis in the East ; America had given confidence and protection to Western Europe through Marshall aid and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) .
7 With Bevin he also believed that Britain would have much less influence in Washington without some nuclear capability of her own .
8 Many hoped and believed that Hitler would prove right in his prophecies , and that the decisive blow to the Russian colossus was imminent .
9 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
10 On the matter of ‘ Increasing respect for the United States overseas ’ , 42 per cent believed that Reagan would do the better job as compared to 31 per cent for Carter .
11 In September 1939 , when war broke out in the West , almost everyone in our part of the world believed that Mussolini would join in as an ally of Hitler ; in 1936 the German alliance with Italy , the Berlin-Rome Axis , had been established .
12 They were also the party of international Protestantism , believing that England should open its arms to foreign protestants who had fled their own country on account of their religion , and were prepared to allow them not only complete freedom of worship but also the advantages of naturalisation .
13 ‘ Does anyone really believe that Israel will sit down with someone who was convicted or involved directly in violence against Jews ? ’ he asked .
14 It requires a depth of human understanding , an ability to communicate on a one-to-one basis with different characters , and I do not believe that Frank can do this very well .
15 But he did not believe that Britain should wait until next summer 's removal of capital and exchange controls throughout the Community before entering the exchange rate mechanism .
16 The incident had never been referred to again and Dorothea did not believe that Alida would remember it .
17 He could well believe that Lesley-Jane could stimulate male lust ; but he found her mother 's visions of her , launched in society as a kind of professional Laura to a series of theatrical Petrarchs , a little fanciful .
18 Horribly frightened by this time , for she could not believe that Susan would have gone out of the house , she ran into the kitchen , and stopped short at the sight of the familiar figure sitting crouched in front of the fire .
19 The Shah himself could not believe that Hassan would throw him out .
20 She clearly does not believe that Wilson can have acted in this matter without the knowledge of people in the auction house : ‘ Sotheby 's claim that it is an unwitting participant rings hollow .
21 Harry had told her very little about his discussion with Sir Gregory : all she knew was that Tristram had been caught trespassing and that Jennifer had been caught going to meet him ; but although each had sworn that nothing untoward had happened , and their reserve and good behaviour seemed to confirm their innocence , Ann could not forget the scandal they had caused ten years before , nor could she believe that Tristram would have scaled the Roscarrock wall simply to sit with his cousin and talk .
22 I ca n't believe that Chrissie would let you come down here without setting you up better than this . ’
23 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
24 She had even begun to believe that Nora would understand this grand passion .
25 It was hard for the active trade unionist of the day to believe that W.P.Lind could combine the secretaryship of the London Seamen 's Protection Society with his role as Superintendent Registrar for the Port of London or that his organisation , with large numbers of members on its books but only a handful paying contributions , was not actually in the hands of the shipping interests .
26 Those to whom he referred were unlikely to believe that Mosley would stand between them and their destruction .
27 As originally disclosed by the Guardian , the estimated value of the tax concessions alone offered at one point during the negotiations was close to £35 million , while the European Commission was led to believe that BAe would benefit by only £25 million from the easing of tax restrictions .
28 I would like to believe that Europe can develop into an association of humane societies which people can believe in .
29 Brutus says that he has no real reason to believe that Caesar would change his nature like this but because they had no proof either was it would be too much of a presumption to say that he would not change at all .
30 In January 1983 , BBC2 's Man Alive showed a documentary called ‘ Only Time Would Tell ’ which discussed the life of Matthew Crosby , an 18 year old Down 's teenager mainly through the eyes of his mother , Anne Crosby , who continues to believe that Matthew would have been better off dead and recalls her desire to end his life with a pillow a few days after his birth .
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