Example sentences of "though it would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Academically , he was a bright pupil , though it would appear he had difficulties in concentrating on the day-to-day routines — perhaps through boredom , often an indication of the brighter child .
2 ‘ I am disobeying orders in conveying it to you — but there are some who regard Your Grace as their lawful monarch , though it would cost them their lives to declare as much openly ! ’
3 Caledor does not draw the Sword of Khaine even though it would give him the power to defeat the Witch King .
4 He did n't want to drag them , because even though it would give him more room there would be a risk of noise which might attract the attention of the housekeeper .
5 She could rely upon her mother to be firm with Sarah , even though it would deprive her of her youngest daughter 's company .
6 As though it would turn them to watercreeks .
7 Unlike the kings of Israel who had aspired to the title of ‘ Son of Yahweh , Jesus displayed utter trust in his heavenly Father though the outlook was black as night ; utter obedience to his Father , even though it would take him to a cross ; and utter readiness to suffer — in bloody sweat there and then , and the blood , sweat and hell of crucifixion thereafter .
8 Abruptly she let go of the last protective remnants of self-deception , but , fearing questions she could n't answer without exposing the full extent of her vulnerability , she rushed on , ‘ I felt guilty to begin with , but I did come to terms with it eventually , and anyway , my parents had encouraged me to stay with radio even though it would take me away from them and they knew what was happening to Dad . ’
9 Albert equally dreaded the law , for though it would find him the injured one , no court would approve of leaving a five-year-old to the care of its father in an airport hotel .
10 I was too scared to talk to anyone about them , because I did n't think they 'd understand , and I never wanted you to find out as I though it would destroy you .
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