Example sentences of "though it [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Consensys , also with offices in San Antonio , Texas and Reading in the UK , already offers a standard SVR4 implementation , though it had previously spent a year getting that release into product shape after taking delivery from Unix System Labs .
2 ‘ Come early and leave early , ’ coaxed Meredith , and as though it had just occurred to him wondered aloud whether it would be a good idea to include young Harbour .
3 He had seemed thrown for a moment , as though it had genuinely slipped his mind that he was about to be married .
4 ‘ But I am not bitter over how Sam Hammam handled things even though it had all become a bit of a nightmare for me .
5 Almost as though it had all happened in another life .
6 She had suspected as much , though it had never occurred to her that Greg 's death had been anything but an accident .
7 Though it does usually tend to balance out over a given 12 month period ’ adds Projects Manager , Mike Doyle , also based in Altrincham .
8 For them , yoga is as powerful as any other path of magic , though it takes longer to achieve magical results .
9 If we read ‘ An Hymn to the Morning ’ in the light of Mira 's yearning to match Sappho in poetical sweetness , her technical rivalry with the Lesbian muse … and , more contentiously , her rivalry with Sappho as a wooer of women , her technical rivalry with the lesbian lover … the eroticism of Leapor 's textuality becomes distinctly noticeable , though it remains safely mediated by conventional landscape cathexis
10 The USA dropped its long-standing opposition to China 's membership of UNO , though it continued also to recognize the government of Taiwan , and trade agreements were signed .
11 The shell only needed to hit one of the skaters — though it did indeed need to strike a target and not be wasted , as might easily be the case when fired seemingly without aiming .
12 The Council rejected a mainframe bid from IBM Corp , even though it has previously supplied equipment to the organisation .
13 ‘ The recent change from Madam to Madame , ’ she said , ‘ though it has doubtless raised the tone and general tenor of proceedings in this low and benighted place , has not quite succeeded in erasing the traces of squalor and indeed sleaze which cling to that title in the popular or gutter imagination whenever it is applied to a hard-working woman .
14 Matthew Spender 's writing is at its best remembering the past as though it has just happened .
15 This was made the payoff in the Sunday Correspondent 's interview with the PM , though it has since emerged that the sequence of the conversation was altered .
16 Its initial growth was interrupted by the subdued stock trading that followed the 1987 stock market crash , though it has since resumed to trade in reasonable volumes .
17 The term itself was coined in the 1930s and arose originally from studies of schizophrenia , though it has since proved equally ( if not more ) applicable to psychotics with other diagnoses , notably mania .
18 Though it has long existed , it has spread wider as the Japanese economy has matured and become more open to competition , especially from overseas .
19 British literature since 1945 has not proved a coterie literature , on the whole , though it has occasionally grouped itself , at least notionally , into informal sets .
20 Most previous commentators on the small towns have distinguished them from their larger counterparts on the basis of their usually haphazard and seemingly piecemeal development , though it has recently become clear that such a distinction , however useful , obscures recognizable variations among the surviving plans .
21 It is curious that in modern times the Cabinet , though it has always insisted on considering particular proposals for developments of policy and their cost , has never thought it necessary to review the development of expenditure under the Civil Estimates as a whole .
22 The precise membership seems never to have been defined , though it has always included members of the county advisory staff , members of the Project Coordinating Team , teachers from project and non-project schools , teachers ' centre wardens , and DCSLs .
23 The tapered-sided gable-lidded coffin was being challenged by the new single-break flat-lidded shell , though it appears only to have been the middle classes who focused attention on style .
24 Even though it seems only to have been conditional independence the terms were so alarming to General Valluy that he flew back to Paris to warn the French Government and the outcome was a special cabinet meeting at which hardly anyone supported the Bollaert initiative .
25 For though it stands so isolated today from human kind , St Mary 's church was a mother-church for a wide area round about , as befitted the spiritual centre of a royal estate ; and we do not know how far back a building stood on this site .
26 She leaves like four bucks on the kitchen counter — though it 's since gone down to three-fifty .
27 it was initially the brainchild of Patricia Rawlings MEP , spokesperson on the European parliament 's Cultural Committee , and though it includes both established figures from the UK and Europe , focuses on the emerging talents of young British artists showing the innumerable ways of interpreting old ideas .
28 But if a cat is cornered and can not run away , even though it wishes fervently to do so , it may then make a sound which transmits the message : ‘ I fear you , but do not push me too far , or I will turn on you despite my fear . ’
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