Example sentences of "though [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His English was very good , though tinged with a pronounced French accent .
2 ‘ In the reign of the Most Gracious Sovereign , George III and under the auspices of the Right Hon. William Fettes , Lord Provost of Edinburgh , the Harbour of Leith , though formed at a remote period and as commerce in the course of ages increased often repaired and extended , yet being still narrow and incommodious , Robert Dundas of Melville , Esq. , in absence of the Right Hon. Charles , Earl of Dalkeith , Grand Master of Scotland , laid the foundation stone of these docks in which the numerous vessels arriving from every quarter of the globe might receive ample and secure accommodation on the 14th day of May in the year of our Lord 1801 and of the Aera of Masonry 5801 , John Rennie being Engineer .
3 But their patron , though ensconced in the Prime Minister 's palace , is clearly more estranged from the mainstream of Catholic politics than at any time in his 40-year career .
4 Her lower lip twitched as though plucked by an invisible finger .
5 There is , of course , no such difficulty if the evidence sought , though owned by a foreign corporation , is physically located within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States .
6 ( The Atlantic , though dominated by an enormous mid-ocean ridge where new sea-floor is being created at a modest rate of about an inch a year , is home to only two very small subduction zones , with volcanoes and trenches , in the Caribbean and the South Sandwich Islands , and therefore is not being destroyed at its edges as rapidly as it is being created in the middle ; the Indian Ocean is similarly undramatic — a mid-ocean ridge once again , but a single subduction zone where its eastern plate collides with the Eurasian Plate and produces the volcanoes that — like Krakatoa — line the southern side of the islands of Java , Sumatra and Timor . )
7 He was Housemaster of Arden , and though forbidden by an old war wound from taking too boisterous a part in the sporting events of the House , yet he followed their activities closely and gave appropriate advice and encouragement .
8 Today , the remarkably well-preserved ruins of the church , Abbot 's House and Infirmary are set in an attractive , wooded park — though surrounded by an incongruous mass of streets and factories .
9 As though carried by a mighty flood to its remote hilltop , surrounded by trees , and then abandoned as the water receded , the barrow is an almost alien presence .
10 John Mellancamp Though thrust on a disdainful market in the mid-'70s as the posturing rock rebel Johnny Cougar , this talented songwriter has subsequently reverted to his real name and found a niche as an accomplished performer and composer of Mid-Western adult rock songs .
11 Though chaired by the latitudinarian Anglican , and radical , manufacturer Thomas Walker , it contained a number of Rational Dissenters in the professions — lawyers and doctors — several of whom had an intellectual bent and were active in the discussions of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society , a significant regional conduit for Enlightenment thinking .
12 Conscription , though operated on the German model , produced more problems than solutions , since units of a racial group had to be allocated to positions where they would not have to engage their kinsmen across the border .
13 Our shooting permits , after what had been eleven months of filming , were due to expire that evening and , though shot at the very end , the sequence on Anak Krakatoa was intended to introduce the very beginning of our whole ten years of adventure films .
14 For a moment he launched himself upon them alone , and Owen closed with him gladly against the glare , though dazzled by the flickering gleams and blinking shadows .
15 He conceded it was possible for such items , though manufactured in the Soviet Union , to fall into the hands of outsiders .
16 Though manufactured by a different company from those at Torness , it could be adapted and fitted to bring Reactor 1 back into operation .
17 Eyre Square , though marred by a mad iron statue put up in honour of Kennedy , was still a fine place , used as a promenade by the young people of Galway .
18 A school that , though equipped with a sixth form , did not have good A level results could be picked out as an inefficient school .
19 Though used by the young of many homeotherms , this method of warming is not open to adults , even those of populations subject to extreme cold , for the brown fat disappears before adolescence .
20 Ruby straddled a child 's moped and , as though mounted on a Wellsian Time Machine , skilfully manoeuvred into the heavy traffic on Cromwell Road .
21 ‘ Wait , my lovely , ’ he breathed , and took his eyes from her wanting , flushed face , to pull back and stare as though transfixed at the throbbing globes of her breasts .
22 It opens up into a fantastic cavern , which glistens and sparkles as though lit by an invisible Light .
23 Here at least is an honourable attempt to deal with a serious theme ; though based on a true story , it still leaves a lingering suspicion that life is not quite so neat .
24 Faced with a wide range of demands and severe shortages of funding , they must make decisions about priorities , and in the last analysis the creation of a scheme of priorities for provision — though based upon a complex pattern of evidence about user requirements — must in part be the result of the librarian 's own judgement .
25 Though set in a biblical past , the poem used the popular application of typology to indicate a present importance .
26 Here , too , the features were large , and clumsily applied : a nose like a ridge of clay , lips that recalled a Nubian 's , though set in a bitter line ; a protruding blue chin and ears so prominent that they covered half the sides of his head .
27 But Osred provides a useful example of a king who could be sharply criticized for character defects in some Northumbrian circles though remembered as a generous patron of an ecclesiastical community in others ( see below , p. 147 ) .
28 Does this case overrule the authority of The Prince 's Case ( 1606 ) 8 Co Rep 1a , where it was stated that an enactment , even though entered on the parliamentary roll , would not be an Act of Parliament if assented to by the King and the Lords , or the King and the Commons , as the assent of all three is necessary ?
29 Though focused on the bouncing bow of the violin , with a few grains of salt , these types can be transferred to other media as well .
30 Though cast in a Scottish framework it is hoped that the project will also shed light on the general process of agrarian modernisation in western Europe .
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