Example sentences of "though [pers pn] [was/were] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The obstructions , though I was never told this , included the actual stands of the course on the western end .
2 On the other hand though I was really drunk so maybe I only remember it that way John turned round to me at the end and said , I ca n't understand you All the people I know , when they get pissed , they start fights , whereas you just seem really happy
3 It seemed like fate at the time — as though I were specially meant to meet him .
4 Though she was completely covered she might just as well have been wearing nothing at all .
5 Alyssia refused to give in to any urge to stare at Piers , though she was sorely tempted .
6 It is as though she was deliberately coaxed into that warm and shabby coffee bar by whatever saving force or spirit I can feel ever more strongly in this no longer quite so bleak habitation of mine .
7 In view of Alain 's remarks on the subject she felt quite honoured , even though she was only given small tasks .
8 " Thanks , " he said , drily , " oh , thanks ! " and began stripping off his jersey , as though she were already gone .
9 They wept on their last day of work : ‘ I felt terrible ’ ; ‘ it seemed as though you were suddenly cut off from life . ’
10 We began to feel cold , even though we were well wrapped up , and cocooned in our sleeping bags .
11 ‘ We had to keep our hands on the reins at that point in the race though we were still allowed to carry the whip and use it to prevent horses running out , refusing , or causing accidents .
12 A total of 364 economists , almost one for each day of the year , dispatched a formal letter to The Times denouncing the government 's economic approach as ruinous — though they were soon matched by a similarly large number of economists who were prepared to endorse it .
13 His clothes clung to his tall , slender frame , though they were slightly mussed after being slept in for a week .
14 The linen area was unheated , and though they were well protected from the ravages of the wind she was aware of her damp clothing chilling her skin , the rough chattering of her teeth .
15 Rose 's family was told that the operation was a matter of life-and-death , so they gave the surgeons permission , even though they were also warned that the operation could result in further bleeding and disability .
16 In fact , the belief that menstruation incapacitated women seems to have increased amongst some ‘ experts ’ , though they were constantly challenged .
17 For a man born in the north-east , where the tradition and practice of the joint board was strong , such sentiments were hardly surprising , though they were usually received by shipowners either with amusement at their naivety or with anger at their effrontery .
18 Madonna and Jackson never have mixed — even professionally , though they were once set to work together on a duet .
19 Despite the 1984 break with the IMF , economic stringency measures remained in force though they were gradually reduced in the following years .
20 Carol II was sympathetic to pseudo-fascist architecture and several of the most brutal pillar-and-concrete buildings in the capital were put up in his reign , though they were smoothly filled by the personnel of the new regime after 1944 .
21 Schools with collaborative cultures were friendly and secure places in which to work , but they were not cosy ; differences between members were openly tackled and though they were often resolved through compromise , this was not always an easy process .
22 The occasional listings of inhabitants that survive for places up and down the country make it clear that older married people did not live with their married children , though they were often housed nearby .
23 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
24 The report was seen , therefore , as essentially practical though it was heavily influenced by the corporate planning theories advocated through the Institute of Local Government Studies and elsewhere .
25 The façade is now Baroque , but inside it retains its simple Romanesque form , though it was extensively restored in the late nineteenth century ( 353 ) .
26 As a matter of interest , though it was well loaded , there were seats free , nobody had to stand .
27 Most likely the decision came from Wilson himself though it was also claimed by Joe Cotter .
28 There was dust and litter enough on the concreted floor to have preserved the latest traces of feet , though it was clearly swept reasonably often .
29 Finally , the ‘ intelligentsia ’ and scholarly circles — presumably attached to Leipzig University — in condemning Hess reportedly included some reproaches for Hitler for selecting such a ‘ mentally disturbed person as his possible successor ’ , though it was immediately added that most members of such circles were ‘ nevertheless convinced that the Führer no longer hears at all about the actual mood and situation within the Reich itself and that most things are kept from him ’ .
30 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
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