Example sentences of "though [pron] did not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 As the crisis deepened and I came into the depression and withdrawal stages , I knew intellectually that God was still my friend , even though I did not feel it emotionally . ’
2 As though I did not exist ; as though it were an automaton who cleared brambles and counted magpies .
3 In alluding to Ronald Duncan and The Criterion , he was referring to a proposal by Duncan — with whom I had been in correspondence , though I did not meet him until after the war — that I should write for The Townsman ( a magazine which he edited from an ancient mill situated in a valley on the Devon/Cornish border , where I was later to live and write about ) , an article analysing the reasons why The Criterion , after flourishing for seventeen years , had so suddenly come to an end .
4 Even though I did not draw even 15th in the ballot and can offer neither blackmail nor whitemail , I hope that there will be a firm commitment from my right hon. and learned Friend , endorsed by the Opposition parties , that the law needs to be amended , not to restrict in any way the freedom of those who are innocent until proved guilty but to prevent the vile calumny which we are discussing from being perpetrated again .
5 There was a tapered garden on a hill , before those houses in a row , and though I did not understand reincarnation , I knew , he told me , about a narrow road smelling sweetly of petrol and roast potatoes , and though I 'd never been , Chock had been , it was only across the street but I could n't see it , he could see it , he told me so , and pointed to the ornate roof across the street , at the chimneys springing from a platform like stalks of green marble , the roof framed by edges intricately ribbed like steeples or the currents of the sea .
6 ‘ He bumbled and tugged at his ear and said he hoped I might call again at a more opportune moment , though I did not believe a word of it .
7 One of his poems had been published , he said , in The New Yorker by Howard Moss , the Poetry Editor , who — though I did not know it until Dana told me later — was a well-known homosexual .
8 And , though she did not want to , again she felt a shiver of excitement .
9 There was nothing she could do to resist him , though she did not want to resist .
10 Kenneth Bruce then handed over £125 for the furniture , jewellery and other household items even though she did not want to sell them .
11 Charity supposed that there could be at least an element of truth in that , though she did not feel comforted .
12 She knew they mated for life , and though she did not think much of married bliss , yet she approved of constancy .
13 This she well understood , though she did not think much of ‘ Abroad ’ .
14 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
15 the other hand he accepted the ministrations of Rosalba with pointed gratitude , looking up at her when it was her turn to bend over him , though she did not need to bend from the waist , wand-like as her sister , but rather leaned her plump body forward to adjust some dish , brush off some crumbs with a dithery movement that suggested — again he felt a stab of pity , followed by impatience — that her own body was always in her way .
16 Dorothea allowed herself to make a pot of tea , in her dressing gown , and carry it back upstairs , to enjoy over the newspaper and any letters there might be , though she did not allow herself to return to bed .
17 Mr Steyn , who voted for Prime Suspect , said the jurors handed their votes to Miss Shubik , who checked them and announced a majority of four to three , though she did not say who had won .
18 Mr Steyn , who voted for Prime Suspect , said the jurors handed their votes to Miss Shubik , who checked them and announced a clear majority of four to three , though she did not say who had won .
19 Breeze knew , though she did not say so , that a first novel does n't usually bring in much ‘ boodle ’ ; but she thanked Gay all the same .
20 In Corcoran v Anderton ( 1980 ) 71 Cr App R 104 ( DC ) , there was robbery where a handbag was tugged away from the victim , even though she did not lose control .
21 ‘ Come along ! ’ snapped Miss Harker in the most understanding snap it was possible to make — she was acutely aware of Prentice though she did not look directly at him .
22 The obligation of the bath Mrs Webster never failed to observe , though she did not trust me to keep to the statutory four inches , but ran the water in for me , adding , in spite of my protests , a most nauseous soap powder .
23 She did come top , though she did not try and hoped she would n't .
24 Loopy Lil stared round at the destruction with a look of hopelessness as though she did not understand how it had happened .
25 She blamed herself for the way Tina was , though she did not know what she had done wrong , and she blamed herself for not trying harder to keep Tina in her house when she wanted to go off to Jarvis Stringer 's .
26 ‘ No ! ’ said Ellie , almost too emphatically , afraid that even though she did not know her own mind , he might withdraw his offer .
27 This banal observation astounded her , though she did not know why .
28 She went into the corridor , hurrying as though she did not know very well that she was simply being transferred to another waiting chair , that the urgency of their voices bore no relation to the speed of their , or anyway her , movements .
29 Though she did not know it , for Clare there had been no choice except between a swift or a lingering death .
30 One neighbour said in a written statement that she often heard a baby ‘ crying for help ’ which went on for hours and hours though she did not contact the police .
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