Example sentences of "though [pron] be [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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31 Half way through the Blackeyes saga , it looks as though we are going to have to make do with a few set pieces of one-to-one hostility .
32 This ‘ Doyler ’ fellow talks about the break-up of his marriage as though we 're expected to feel sorry for him , rather than cracking open a jerobaum of Bollinger , and saying ‘ you did the right thing there , my man .
33 It was a special comeback because we did n't really look as though we were going to score for much of the game .
34 I must say there was a moment yesterday when I though we were going to lose him . ’
35 But , we fought back , showing true fighting spirit , and looked as though we were set to win by a couple of points before the Americans rallied , salvaged some pride and squared the match .
36 It seems as though they 're trying to find an immediate solution .
37 The devil and his spirits are seen as a distortion of the original good creation of God , and though they are allowed to tempt and hurt men because of men 's wickedness ( see , e.g. Jubilees 10:7–11 ) in the last-time they will be bound and punished .
38 In Minor Project schools , no link person is designated , and this means that the DCSLs have considerable autonomy in working with the schools , though they are expected to liaise with the project team through the regular monthly meetings of library staff which the ACL:E&SS holds .
39 A little bit of imaginative nettle-clearing and further excavation of domestic buildings which , though they are known to exist in the proximity , have never been uncovered , could make all the difference to the site .
40 Neutrophils did not express the lysozyme signal , though they are known to have large stores of the protein .
41 The Securities and Investments Board 's Conduct of Business Rules sets a lower standard and allow agents to keep commission , though they are required to disclose the fact that it has been received .
42 No such partnership arrangements extended to the second category of districts , though they were invited to draw up programmes ; in the case of the third category , local authorities simply made use of the powers of the Act .
43 This meant that the Loyalist Coalition and the Anti-White Paper Unionists would not be invited to take part ( though they were invited to address the conference ) and they pointed out that this was contrary to Paragraph 112 of the White Paper of 20 March which stated " the Government will invite … the leaders of the elected representatives of Northern Ireland opinion to participate … in a conference … "
44 But it began to look as though they were destined to attend at least part of the party .
45 These coffins , England 's response in lead to the Egyptian mummy case , became fashionable in the fifteenth century and were still to be seen in some areas in the last decade of the seventeenth century , though they were beginning to decline in popularity during the 1660s and 1670s .
46 The children became excited , as though they were preparing to withstand a siege .
47 Boycott stayed over five hours for 70 but had no lengthy support , Botham holed out in the deep when his responsibility as captain was to put his head down , and England never looked as though they were going to make it .
48 Swindon having been beaten in the League Cup recently by Bicester , erm looked as though they were going to make a real match of it today when they scored in the eleventh minute .
49 Earlier however Kelburne looked as though they were going to walk all over the young Aberdonians when they raced into a 2-0 advantage from scores by David McKay and Michael Starling but a goal by Philip Webster just before half time gave the northerners a timely boost .
50 Manitous were rarely evil , though they were known to delight in practical jokes .
51 It sounds as though it 's going to go on forever then .
52 I understood though I mean it , it looks from many of these er publications as though it 's meant to convey that Mr and Mr Wogan are sitting down and having a conversation or Ms Rippon is n't it ? , that 's how it 's presented , is that right ?
53 But though it 's guaranteed to give anyone a hangover , I 've nae heard of any islanders getting fighting mad on the stuff . ’
54 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
55 SunDragon , the Sun Microsystems Inc multi-processor due out on November 10 , will be initially limited to maximum configurations of eight CPUs , we 're told , even though it is bound to talk about a ceiling of twenty-processors which is further down the road .
56 No. 12 deals with road wagon repairs , though it is tending to become also a motor road vehicle body making and repair shop as these vehicles are becoming more numerous .
57 Even though it is known to exist , such discrimination is not easy to pin down and will always be denied when it is challenged .
58 But despite the fact that at first sight the novel looks as though it is going to offer a fairly conventional , though well-written account of an actual incident , this is not a book from which to learn about Russian history .
59 Though it is expected to recover slightly thereafter it will still remain some 25% short of its peak until the end of the century .
60 It is not difficult to discern where this has happened , and frustrating though it is to have to surmise the contents of the missing portions of text , at least the historian is aware of the partial nature of the evidence .
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