Example sentences of "water and [verb] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She stood at the open kitchen window with her early cup of tea clasped in both hands , listening to the swish of the falling water and watching it gather in tiny globules on the tips of the leaves of the apple tree like crystal drops on a chandelier before sliding with a slow , regular inevitability on to the grass .
2 Save any vegetable water and use it to whip up a healthy cocktail or as a basis for gravy .
3 Layers of rock that are porous and permeable enough to store water and let it flow through them easily are called aquifers .
4 You just put it in the pan with water and let it boil itself dry .
5 Sara dropped her line into the water and let it unravel .
6 Then she drank a glass of water and felt it trickle slowly down inside her as if she were a pipe .
7 However , the simplest method to overcome this potential problem is to fill the pool once with clear water and allow it to stand for about a week .
8 The Telegraph commented : ‘ As Sir Alf [ pictured ] watched his team begin their first game together since last November he must have felt like a yachtsman who takes the winter covers off his boat , eases it into the water and finds it has sprung leaks fore , aft and midships . ’
9 I 'll give the girl quarter of a grain of morphia dissolved in water and inject it to calm her down .
10 Thus , there is some degree of selfdetermination in the ship case because we are free to shut our eyes , to cross the river and see it move from right to left , free to jump into the water and watch it coming towards us , free to determine the speed with which it passes across our visual field by moving our eyes with or against its movement .
11 One of the men at the roadblock , bored , dropped a stick into the water and watched it float under the span .
12 It was a joy to be able to go and have a bath every night you know to just run the water and find it came out hot , it was absolutely marvellous
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