Example sentences of "whether [pron] [be] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other important variables which qualify the impact of these relations of production upon the lives of these groups include the availability of land , whether there is population pressure under the existing production technology , and the degree of interference by the state ( by way of taxes , conscription , price fixing , rural development projects and so on ) .
2 It is not known whether there is non-integrin/integrin interactions in hepatocytes to activate integrin receptors as has been described in other cell types such as leukocytes .
3 oh yes it 's the er West Worthing Club and do you have a regular , you know , partner you play with , is it er er a doubles match and who would cos you 're then sort of sounding out whether there 's referral business in that one .
4 No those 15 trucks and trailers will move from Assab to Desai and they should arrive in Dessi this morning , and then in Desai they 'll have to be transferred to er a certain amount of food to smaller trucks , and we think that the first group of trucks will be just perhaps 5 trucks that will really test the road from Desai up to Waldia in the area controlled by the rebels to see if there really is a safe passage agreement and to see if er there are bridges out on that road or whether there are land mines left on the road , to see if it is actually possible to move food across those lines .
5 This should state the pages that are required , the number of copies , whether there are crop marks needed or colour separations , etc , etc .
6 But they also noted whether there was reading matter in the house .
7 It 's not just oh well , yeah , well that 's alright in the bible , it is his word er which has authority , greater authority than any of the so called experts , greater authority than any of the , the deliberations of men , whether they be church leaders or anything of tha , er or anything else .
8 They must take account of regional and social differences between countries , and depend crucially on the local culture and the target audience , whether they be village children or police recruits .
9 ‘ There 's something for everyone , whether they be guitar aficianado , music lover , player or spectator . ’
10 Street sellers of different kinds are an important group , whether they be street pedlars who manage to buy chewing gum , newspapers , sweets , balloons , ornaments , fruit and any number of miscellaneous items wholesale , or the women who make snacks for sale in the streets .
11 The law of confidence is concerned with the protection of secrets whether they be trade secrets , secrets of a personal nature or concerning the government of the country .
12 Our previous research had confirmed that paraprofessionals ( whether they be neighbourhood workers in Israel , home helps in Britain , village workers in India or day care workers in the USA ) perform a variety of important functions in the social services around the world .
13 The other element of group violence is of course , if there are a group of people throwing bricks at the police , or chanting or swearing at people wanting to go to work from a picket line , the law , the criminal law is designed to prove guilt against an individual for an individual 's conduct according to the preordained laws , whether they be statute law or common law .
14 Is it really necessary to explain the excitement of smashing things , whether they are milk bottles , shop windows , buses , telephone boxes or whatever , if the alternative is to stand there and do nothing .
15 It does n't matter whether they are family heirlooms or bargains from the market stall ; if they 're right for the setting , that 's all that counts .
16 The students go out and spend part of each week all through the school year in the schools , and the teachers in those schools , whether they are science teachers or history teachers or English teachers , collaborate with us in helping to train those students .
17 One trouble with being owned by conventional shareholders — whether they are pension funds or a mass of individual investors — is that ownership is dispersed and the pressure on managers is eased .
18 The distance they are prepared and able to travel will depend , of course , upon whether they are car owners or , if not , on public transport facilities .
19 It depends whether they 're ASCII input or whether they 're binary input format .
20 There are 600-plus muscles in our body and whether they 're smile muscles or frown muscles , if you use them you 'll keep them .
21 Management have to take responsibility for over ninety five percent of the problems we get , whether they 're safety problems , quality problems or whatever problems .
22 Whether they 're table lamp , irons or cookers
23 The Cultural Revolution could in fact be defined as a process by which ‘ a highly mobilized population should permanently transform its society , led by the ‘ reds ’ , no matter whether they were Party members or not ’ ( Krug 1981 , p. 72 ) .
24 Members of an enterprise association are joined in seeking a common substantive satisfaction , whether it be profit maximization as in the case of a company or a change in human behaviour as in the case of the Anti-Bloodsports League .
25 The Wagner report ( 1988 ) suggests a nominated social worker should be involved with a client and family in all the decisions leading up to , and through any possible admission to care , whether it be day care , respite care , or eventual permanency after a trial period .
26 When we take somebody , assess their needs and offer them a care package , in terms of the elderly , erm , and more importantly in terms of those with physical disability or learning disability , we have basically got to support that person for the rest of their life , and therefore , the commitment is not just for the current year , the commitment in , in the case of the elderly depending on what is being offered , whether it be nursing home care , or residential care is for several months or years .
27 A range of genres ensure that all students will find some titles to their taste , whether it be science fiction , horror stories , whodunnits , stories of well-known films , or classics .
28 Yes and then of course you get business organizations , the and much business is now internationally based , we 've , we recognize this recently from the erm the purchase of Rover by B M W erm but of course the big companies have operated for long across international boundaries , whether it be oil companies like Texaco or chemical companies like I C I erm or MacDonalds , you know one of the symbols that erm lets you know Russia had been opened up to the international community was the erm presence of a MacDonalds ' erm shop in Moscow .
29 You should certainly be prepared to learn , to master the intricacies of an unknown subject , whether it is unit trusts , central heating , a children 's charity or a health education issue .
30 The House of Lords has asked whether it is sex discrimination , contrary to Directive 76/207/EEC , to dismiss a female employee when she has been engaged for the specific purpose of replacing ( after training ) another female employee who is about to go on maternity leave and when the maternity leave replacement discovers very shortly after appointment that she too is pregnant and will need maternity leave and the employer dismisses her because he needs the job holder to be at work during that period .
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