Example sentences of "both [noun] [conj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In both Norfolk and Suffolk the eastern and western halves of the county are noticeably different .
2 In both Islam and Hinduism the woman 's role is domestic and decreed to be so .
3 The British General Strike of 1926 had given both Germany and Poland a new sense of the gains that might be made through co-operation , and while they explored this unexpected windfall , the effects of the Polish currency reform were hidden .
4 God has given both David and Cath the gift of personal evangelism .
5 For automatic recognition of both script and speech the information physically present in the signal is not sufficient for unambiguous identification of words .
6 It offers both traders and customers a high level of certainty as to exactly what is on offer .
7 In both Byzantium and Islam the surface enrichment , though opposed in motivation and manner , draws the eyes up to the arches and the vaulting .
8 For both Engels and Morgan the league typified a general political stage , and Engels argued that it could be found elsewhere in many parts of the world .
9 For both companies and individuals a new requirement is introduced for deeds : that the instrument must make it clear ‘ on its face ’ that it is intended to be a deed .
10 In both Russia and Prussia the dependence of the government on a single class , a landowning service nobility , was complete .
11 In the evening she teaches both boy and girl the laws and customs , especially those governing the moral code and general rules of etiquette in the community .
12 In both England and France the need to make armies mobile was perhaps one of the major developments of the period , and shows how important versatility was coming to be regarded by the leaders of the day .
13 In both plants and animals the movement of gametes depends upon the presence of water .
14 In both ants and termites the workers can include specialist castes such as soldiers .
15 On the minds of both Coleridge and Wordsworth the story of John Walford made a deep impression .
16 He will find that in both Bath and Lancashire the electorate has as little faith in Labour 's policies as he has .
17 For both Lothian and Scotland the 1991 totals are lower than the 1981–85 base but higher than the 1991 ‘ interim ’ target .
18 All such variations contain the same general idea : " we " , who are true kin , share a common substance through our shared links with the same ancestral past ; but wherever descent is traced through both males and females the distinction between those who are unmarriageable because they rate as true kin and those who are marriageable because they do not so rate becomes very fuzzy .
19 To summarise this conception : for both Marx and Braverman the developed form of the division of labour within the capitalist enterprise is not so much a technical division of tasks — as in early manufacture — but a socially determined structure , reflecting the exigencies of the production of surplus value .
20 This constant and natural consolidation of knowledge can only promote confidence , and give both student and teacher a solid sense of progress .
21 In both games and drama a participant chooses to play .
22 From the perspectives of both professionals and parents the attempt to build a cooperative framework directed towards meeting John 's needs had broken down .
23 For both Chesterton and Williamson the first World War was a searing experience which provided lasting images of heroism , horror , comradeship , leadership and fear .
24 Yet in the inter-war period for both Chesterton and Williamson the myth of the trenches bred a contempt for civilian society and those without direct contact with the nature of modern warfare .
25 Nevertheless , Louis 's position was dangerous , for inconclusive talks had failed to secure Lothar 's support , while both Pippin and Louis the German had turned against their father .
26 Finally , for both Wimsatt and Brooks a defining characteristic of poetry was irony .
27 In both Britain and Germany the number of manual workers stayed virtually constant over the boom while white-collar employment rose by 50 per cent in the United Kingdom and doubled in Germany .
28 In both Britain and Spain the minister has statutory powers to approve budgets , plans and investment programmes , annual reports and accounts , overall price increases , and rail closures ; to set the level of state support for the railways ; and to make or confirm appointments to the board , including the chairman .
29 It provides for both Britain and France a unique representative picture of the quality of family life and how it has been changing in our time .
30 For both France and Britain the Suez fiasco of 1956 was a formative experience ; but the two imperial powers drew different strategic conclusions .
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