Example sentences of "development of [art] [noun] state " in BNC.

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1 Both the development of the welfare state and the emergence of fascism or , more generally , of totalitarian regimes , are undoubtedly major political changes , which can be defined , in the light of this twentieth century experience , but also taking into account other historical transformations , as those which bring about a significant reorganization of the apparatus of government , a change in the relations between government and people , and to a considerable extent , a restructuring of other social relationships , including modifications in the hierarchical ordering of various social groups .
2 It may be argued , for instance , that the ‘ total wars ’ of the twentieth century , because they detach whole populations from their accustomed ways of life , and at the same time impose great sacrifices upon them , give rise to strong reforming movements even in the victorious nations ; and that they have in fact contributed significantly to the development of the welfare state .
3 The development of the welfare state , and the twentieth century revolutions and counter-revolutions in Europe , are all manifestations of a continuing class struggle in which the labour movement confronts the representatives of capital .
4 In all these societies there are contradictory movements , either to limit or to expand the social services ; movements which take place in what are still substantially free market economies , but raise the question whether there can be any further development of the welfare state without restricting still more the operation of the market and eventually creating a more socialist type of economy in which public ownership of some major productive resources and financial institutions , and more extensive planning , would have a larger role .
5 Its principal recommendation is that there is urgent need for research on the ideas that form what many people take to be the consensus of attitudes that underlie the post-war development of the welfare state .
6 This can be done under two headings : one is the emergence of parliamentary government , and the other is the development of the welfare state and the managed economy .
7 Much of this legislation , as one biographer noted , " has an important place in the development of the Welfare State . "
8 Did the postwar development of the welfare state remould capitalism to give it a more human face , or were the changes largely cosmetic ?
9 It has been suggested that this is crucial to the development of the disease state , as application of amiloride by aerosol alleviates the decline in lung function in CF. It is not yet clear how a loss of CFTR function leads to this increase in sodium absorption .
10 Unlike AIDS , vaccines are available to prevent acute infection and therefore the development of the carrier state .
11 Perhaps most important was the lateness of development of the absolutist state .
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