Example sentences of "his eyes narrow [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes narrowed with sudden hostility .
2 ‘ You really think I would hurt you ? ’ he demanded softly , his eyes narrowed on her tense expression .
3 But I do have an apology to make , ’ she confessed unsteadily , digging her nails into the palm of her hand in her lap as his eyes narrowed on her face .
4 His eyes narrowed on her face , he put his cup down , stripped off his apron , and walked slowly to stand beside her chair so that she was forced to look up at him .
5 His eyes narrowed on her pale , proud face as she backed away from him , her heart beating so rapidly that it was all she could do not to betray her agitation by raising her hands to calm it .
6 His eyes narrowed on her .
7 Hotspur sat bolt upright in the saddle , his eyes narrowed on the hurtling horsemen , and never moved a hand .
8 He stood quite still now , watching her , and she did n't feel quite so bold with his eyes narrowed on her intently , suspicious but interested .
9 His eyes narrowed on her , briefly , and then he picked up a file on the table beside him , and leafed through it , dismissing her .
10 His eyes narrowed on her wind-tossed hair and strayed down to the skirt that kept billowing up around her legs .
11 His eyes narrowed at her expression of utter confidence .
12 His eyes narrowed at this bitterness , but he simply left the room , and Jenna had the feeling that she had been as ungracious as he appeared to think .
13 His eyes narrowed to two small pinpricks of black .
14 His eyes narrowed to gleaming green slits .
15 Cowley stared into the distance , his eyes narrowed against the bright day .
16 " It does n't have to be the evening , " Matthew said looking at her , his eyes narrowed against the sun .
17 His eyes narrowed upon Murphy .
18 Suddenly , his eyes narrowed in delight .
19 He paused , his eyes narrowed in speculation .
20 He came closer , his eyes narrowed in anger .
21 He surveyed her in silence , his eyes narrowing on her face , then , with a ragged sigh , he reached out and drew her roughly towards him .
22 She knew she had gone too far when his eyes narrowed to glittering blue slits .
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