Example sentences of "quite clear that he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite clear that he accepted its authority and its validity .
2 Mr Masters was quite clear that he had first seen the blue BMW late on the Saturday evening , ten days before , pointing out that , while you could n't exactly complain , it had made access to his own forecourt space a little difficult , or at least when there was already another car on the forecourt , which there mostly was , that being Mrs Masters 's runabout .
3 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
4 I must say , it seems quite clear that he intended to kill the DO .
5 It was quite clear that he intended to resign and that he had no intention of joining a coalition , even though the King had urged him to head one .
6 There is no need to say more here about Anselm 's primatial activity : he certainly thought that the evidence was sufficiently strong for him to make a most uncompromising claim to primatial authority over the whole of the British Isles , and it is quite clear that he did not think that the Canterbury claim to this position rested on a series of specific grants by popes after Gregory the Great .
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