Example sentences of "the cpsu central [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The CPSU Central Committee , reviewing these developments in the early 1970s , went so far as to claim that a ‘ new historical collectivity of people — the Soviet people ’ had come into existence in the USSR , based upon the ‘ common ownership of the means of production , unity of economic , socio-political and cultural life , Marxist-Leninist ideology , and the interests and communist ideals of the working class ’ .
2 The CPSU central committee 's decision that Gorbachev should visit Lithuania was taken at a plenum on Dec. 25-26 , held to discuss the CPL independence declaration .
3 The creation of the new presidency had been among the radical proposals announced by Gorbachev at a meeting of the CPSU central committee on Feb. 5-7 as part of a draft new party platform [ see pp. 37234-35 ] .
4 Gorbachev had been formally nominated by the CPSU central committee , which had held a brief meeting on March 14 .
5 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
6 Six of the Council 's members , namely Kryuchkov , Maslyukov , Primakov , Shevardnadze , Yakovlev and Yazov , were full or candidate members of the CPSU central committee politburo , all of whom except Yakovlev held in addition ministerial or state posts ( although Primakov resigned on March 28 as Chair of the Soviet of the Union in connection with joining the Presidential Council ) .
7 Also drawn from the party 's senior ranks were Boldin , the head of the CPSU central committee 's general department , and Revenko , the Ukrainian CP committee first secretary in Kiev , who was generally regarded as a conservative .
8 Observers remarked on the absence from the Council of Yegor Ligachev , the leading conservative in the CPSU central committee politburo and at one time de facto second in the Soviet leadership behind Gorbachev .
9 Rather than wait for the 28th CPSU congress due in July , as had been expected [ see pp. 37234-35 ] , a plenum of the CPSU central committee had given the party 's endorsement to the changes on March 11 .
10 On May 16 , 1989 , the CPSU central committee 's commission on legal policy called for better co-ordination between and more decisive action from the Interior and Justice Ministries and from the Procuracy .
11 On April 21-22 this group , which appeared dominated by hardline conservatives , had organized ( without approval by the CPSU central committee ) an " initiative congress " in Leningrad attended by around 800 delegates from throughout Russia to promote the idea of the new party .
12 The June conference , meanwhile , had been called by the CPSU central committee in March as a forum for debate on the need for a Russian CP by the 2,744 delegates from the Russian Federation to the forthcoming CPSU congress .
13 A KGB operative and counterintelligence officer for 32 years , Kalugin had been forced to retire in March , apparently because he had complained to the CPSU central committee and in letters to Gorbachev about the need for fundamental reforms of the KGB .
14 Conservatives in the Soviet army and the ruling Communist Party ( CPSU ) had opposed the Soviet Union 's passive support for the actions of the US-led coalition , and a statement by a plenum of the CPSU central committee published on Feb. 4 had urged Gorbachev to " take the necessary additional steps before the international community and the UN to end the bloodshed , and get the conflict back on track towards a political settlement in line with UN resolutions " .
15 Yeremey succeeded Pyotr Luchinsky ( first secretary since November 1989 — see p. 37047 ) who was elected by the CPSU central committee plenum on Jan. 31 to the CPSU secretariat in place of Gennady Yanayev ( the USSR Vice-President since Dec. 26 — see pp. 37903-04 ) .
16 At a plenum of the CPSU central committee , held in closed session on April 24-25 , Gorbachev defeated an attempt to force his removal from the post of party general secretary , and then called the bluff of his critics inside the party by offering his resignation , only to have it refused .
17 The SCSE 's " Message to the Soviet people " [ see below ] echoed a letter in the ultra-conservative newspaper Soviyetskaya Rossiya ( the organ of the CPSU central committee ) on July 23 , entitled " A word to the people " , signed by 12 prominent figures including Tizyakov and Starodubtsev , and criticizing leaders " who grovel to foreign patrons and seek advice and blessing abroad " .
18 However , on Aug. 24 , Gorbachev announced his resignation as CPSU general secretary and said that as the CPSU Central Committee had failed to condemn the coup , it should " take the difficult but honourable decision to dissolve itself " .
19 In Tataria , which was demanding to sign the Union Treaty separately from Russia , President Mintimer Shaymiyev resigned from the CPSU central committee , and the Supreme Soviet abrogated the Council of Ministers ' decision to nationalize CPSU property .
20 On Feb. 27 , 1991 , Valentin Kuptsov , a secretary of the CPSU central committee , told a news conference that there were more than 500 political parties in the USSR , including 20 with a nationwide membership .
21 April 24-25 : at a meeting of the plenum of the CPSU central committee , Gorbachev routed opponents calling for his resignation .
22 He promised that more such documents from the archives of the CPSU central committee would be released .
23 Gorbachev removed Bakatin as USSR Minister of Internal Affairs on Dec. 2 , appointing in his place Boris Pugo , the ethnic-Latvian chair of the CPSU central control commission and a major-general in the KGB ( he had been Latvian KGB chief in 1980-84 ) .
24 Pugo 's former post of chair of the CPSU central control commission was filled by Yevgeny Makhov on Jan. 30 .
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