Example sentences of "the board of governors " in BNC.

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1 The main owner of such schools is usually and indirectly the Church of Ireland , and current expenditure and salaries are provided by the state , with the board of governors presided over by the local minister .
2 By the time of her seventieth birthday she had served on the Board of Governors of the BBC , the Corporation 's General Advisory Council , the Arts Council and the British Council and their respective literary committees , to say nothing of her work with such organizations as the Royal Society of Literature .
3 And not until mid-1993 will any incoming government get a chance to tinker with the existing composition of the Board of Governors .
4 Nellie McClung served as a member of the Board of Governors of the CBC and died in 1951 .
5 She had learnt long ago that Nahum 's chief interest in the Foundling Hospital was the boost it gave to his own ego being on the Board of Governors , a position acquired mainly through the generosity of his brother-in-law , John Bradford , who always supported the charity financially .
6 ‘ Other than that it is a matter for the board of governors at each school . ’
7 The official report on the 1977 survey , for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System , concluded from analysis of the awareness and experience of some 2,500 shoppers that ‘ the ability to use percentage rates to calculate dollar finance charges remains relatively uncommon , .
8 There was the board of governors sitting at the back on this cold grey Monday and I got up and I did some Shakespeare and by the time I finished , dawn was breaking .
9 ‘ It is the considered opinion of the board of governors , ’ he said , ‘ that in the interests of the good name of the medical profession , and ’ — he gave a diplomatic cough — ‘ of St Andrew 's , it would be much easier for all concerned if you were to resign . ’
10 Each of us in turn read aloud the splendid sentence ‘ The Board of Governors have pleasure in offering your son , Richard Simon Michael Ellis , the following School Scholarship . ’
11 Arnold Whitchurch , the chairman of the Board of Governors there , thought that ‘ if the hospitals worked with the County Council they might do a tremendous lot for the co-ordination of the general health system .
12 Each member of the Fund appoints a governor to the board of Governors , and this body is ultimately responsible for policy decisions .
13 The board of governors consists of the finance minister from each member state .
14 Since the second amendment to the articles of agreement the structure of the Fund has been defined as consisting not only of a board of governors , an executive board , and a managing director and staff , but also a council if it is called into being by a decision of the board of governors with an 85 per cent majority of total voting power .
15 The roles of the board of governors and the executive board are broadly as described in Section 8.2.3 .
16 The interim committee , which was established by a resolution of the board of governors in 1974 , has been given more of the responsibilities of the full board since its smaller number of members allows it to work more effectively .
17 The highest authority of the Fund is still exercised by the board of governors , but the constitution of the interim committee is such that decisions taken there are usually ratified by the full board when it meets annually in the autumn .
18 He is also chairman of the Board of Governors of Leicester Polytechnic .
19 In a company , accountability will be to a Board of Directors , if it is a local authority then the Chief Executive is accountable to the full Council and the Principal of your College is accountable to the Board of Governors ( see figure 24 ) .
20 Now you 're you 're welcome to register a complaint yourself but I , I 'm a representative on the Board of Governors , the Academic Board Committee etcetera etcetera so I can get these points right up where they belong .
21 In 1960 , Hugh Greene , a member of the Board of Governors at the BBC , had abruptly dismissed the claim that ITV was as much a public service body as the BBC , cynically despatching its press tag as ‘ the people 's Television ’ .
22 I was also aware of certain information recently imparted to the Bank on the subject matter of the investigation of the defendants ( to which I referred in my first affidavit ) by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and , in addition , certain information which had been obtained by the Bank in the course of its previous supervision on the [ defendants ] .
23 of the shares of a bank without prior approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve .
24 I am informed and believe that the [ defendants have ] never obtained such approval from the Board of Governors .
25 I am also informed by the general counsel of the board that the [ defendants ] and [ their ] agents also appear to have made false and fraudulent statements to the Board of Governors regarding the ownership and control of the bank holding company and one of the other two banks referred to above in violation of two criminal statutes applicable to false statements made to a U.S. government or bank supervisory agency ( 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 1005 ) .
26 She was in the middle of writing a report for the monthly meeting of the board of governors but she laid down her pen immediately .
27 He had telephoned Uncle Vernon before midnight to explain that Rose Lipman had insisted on Stella being present at a small celebration given by the Board of Governors .
28 The board of governors have noticed her , ’ said Vernon .
29 And anyway erm I first went to and the money ran out and so Grammar School , and then er I was transferred to PorthMadog County School where er Jonathan at that time was chairman of the board of governors .
30 They have been sent out together as a result of the recent meeting of the Board of Governors which discussed the selection of sports .
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