Example sentences of "large numbers [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Lowland areas were not only important for pasture ; seasonal flooding of such areas attracted large numbers of wildfowl which were an important source of food in such localities for a very long time .
2 In the months following the end of the civil war , parliament 's New Model Army , which contained large numbers of soldiers who had rejected the Presbyterian establishment in favour of greater religious toleration , grew steadily more and more disenchanted with its masters .
3 The case of the chainmaking trade was particularly acute because of the large numbers of women who entered it during the late 1870s from nailmaking .
4 Yet the definition is useful in drawing our attention to those agglomerations of more recent origin , those which have become important in post-medieval times , acquiring a church and a separate status , and the large numbers of hamlets which have never had any particular distinguishing features about them .
5 Alternatively , it has been suggested that the trend is simply a reflection of the large numbers of businesses which have been established by unemployed individuals who see no prospect of finding gainful employment .
6 Deem gives the example of cuts in teacher training , which had the effect of reducing the opportunities that had previously been available to large numbers of girls who had been considered by their teachers to be , as they put it to Michelle Stanworth , ‘ not university material ’ .
7 In addition , the British brought in large numbers of Indians who settled in Kenya , Tanzania and Uganda .
8 The vast waiting lists of the local authorities , as well as the existing local authority houses , contain large numbers of families who , with private enterprise building again at the rate and real cost of the 1930s , would be both able and willing to accommodate themselves at economic rents or prices .
9 In that event , a hung parliament is bound to include large numbers of non-Congressmen who will shamelessly desert to Mr Gandhi , to be on the winning side .
10 Inverse ranking correlation between departmental output and citation frequencies shows that some departments produced large numbers of theses which were ignored by peers , whilst simultaneously producing small numbers of highly cited influential theses .
11 So there were large numbers of spectators who simply had no idea that you should be quiet when a golfer is about to hit a shot .
12 More worrying for the government , however , were the large numbers of liuxuesheng who once out of the country failed to come back .
13 The Dutch interest there was inspired by the presence in the East Indies of large numbers of Hadhramis who had emigrated there to make their fortunes .
14 Fibreglass mock-ups were built to provide the large numbers of aircraft which lined the numerous military bases across Pearl Harbor .
15 The society has therefore revised its definition of slavery to include large numbers of people whom William Wilberforce would not have regarded as slaves : bonded labourers , exploited women and children , blacks in South Africa .
16 Clearly , therefore , there are large numbers of people whose life-styles do not connect with the dictum that ‘ the family is the unit of stratification ’ .
17 Leonard could be depressive along with many other poets ( the psycho-endocrinological critique of poetry has yet to be written ! ) ; he could also be uplifting and assertive ; he could , indeed , write ‘ about something ’ to use Faulkner 's phrase from The Bear , and did so to the advantage of large numbers of people who gladly read , and asked for more .
18 One of Richard Baxter 's wealthy neighbours complained to the King about the large numbers of people who came to the meetings held in his home in Acton .
19 My thoughts rippled out to the airport , then to the bus to Chinchero , to the large numbers of people who were there , who must have seen what was going on , who did nothing .
20 Sampling from out-of-date lists results in large numbers of people who can not be found .
21 side Christian circles must surely be deeply saddened by the large numbers of people who were once professing Christians but who now claim to have ‘ lost their faith ’ .
22 Now that large numbers of people who would previously have been in asylums live in the community , there are many thousands of relatives or close friends bearing the brunt of providing daily care in their own homes , for example , the parents of someone with schizophrenia , or the spouse , daughter or daughter-in-law of a dementia sufferer .
23 Following the plenum the leadership adopted a hardline approach to dissent while increasing efforts to regain the support and trust of the large numbers of people who had become disenchanted with the widespread corruption within the government and the party .
24 Together they acted as recruiters responsible for bringing together the large numbers of men who constituted the armies of the day .
25 Large numbers of vills which are now still in existence are described as ‘ waste ’ in Domesday Book ( 1086 ) .
26 A few years later , however , the distant future showed every indication of having already arrived when these nagging anxieties grabbed the headlines around the large numbers of recruits who had been found unfit for service in the Boer War , and in spite of the half-hearted reassurances of the Physical Deterioration Committee of 1904 fears of racial deterioration were rampant .
27 Her flat earth common sense made her instantly acceptable to large numbers of clergy whom she in no way threatened by any daunting scholarship or ambiguity of perception .
28 Nevertheless in practice the CNT encompassed a wide variety of positions : dedicated anarchists both violent and pacific ; trade-union reformists ; and large numbers of workers who were trade-unionists first and anarchists very much second .
29 Large numbers of Shiluk who had fled their southern homeland were working as labourers for Sabaha farmers in the Kosti area .
30 Farmer Michael Eaves , on whose land the festival is staged , says that the event " needs calming down " in the light of the large numbers of travellers who converge on the site .
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