Example sentences of "under the [noun sg] name [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Glaxo , the world 's second-largest drugs firm , makes half of its sales from ranitidine , an ulcer cure which , under the brand name of Zantac , is the world 's top-selling drug .
2 You need a kit sold under the brand name of Micro-mesh which is cloth-backed sheets in a range up to something like 10,000 grit .
3 For instance , a new breakfast food marketed under the brand name of SLUB would stand little chance of success ; on the other hand , a flashing beacon called a GLEEPER ( on the analogy of bleeper ) might have some chance of succeeding .
4 This became famous under the brand name of Gossage .
5 These subsidiaries have since been sold leaving Sekers exclusively as manufacturers of quality furnishing fabrics , although today many high street retailers sell their cloth under the brand name of Stoddard Templeton .
6 Possibly it has its origins in the ‘ white noise ’ techniques which the Brits , ever the innovators , pioneered in Northern Ireland in the 1970s ( it has always seemed unjust that what was deplored then as a human rights abuse was later marketed under the brand name of acid house ) .
7 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
8 However , about a quarter are also fed a brand of dried cat foods , like , , etc. , and ( under the umbrella name of OMEGA ) is the market leader of this type of food .
9 These also masquerade under the techie names of 10Base-5 , 10Base-2 and 10Base-T respectively .
10 From March 1993 the project and construction management activities of Wimpey Construction Management will operate in the UK under the Grove name as the Management Division of GROVE PROJECTS .
11 Vista 's products will still be offered under the trade name of Nalkylene detergent alkylate .
12 Aerial spraying of the fungicide , which goes under the trade name of " Ronilan " , is now completely outlawed and farmers are forbidden to use it on any crop which is not peeled or shelled .
13 AZT which is sold under the trade name of Retrovir was once thought to offer real hope to people carrying the HIV virus .
14 Currently the companies manufacture these products under the trade names of Altuglas and Plexiglas .
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