Example sentences of "over a period [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The iconography of a state 's coinage viewed over a period of time can reveal a certain amount of information about the aspirations of that state , since the choice of designs will normally reflect the matters considered important by at least an influential body in that state and will present these important matters in a particular way .
2 In both key stages 3 and 4 they should have the opportunity to present an extended piece of work that has been planned , drafted , revised and polished over a period of time .
3 She was cautious , though , and Edouard , watching her , realised that his relationship with his mother was changing yet again-that it had , perhaps , been altering over a period of time .
4 The pH does tend to drop over a period of time in bare tanks ( that is tanks without any substrate or plants .
5 A loan is a sum of money borrowed over a period of time at a certain rate of interest .
6 Instead , the money supply might contract over a period of time as the banking sector adjusts stage by stage to successive sales of gilt-edged securities .
7 In several instances , the parents gradually became aware that something was ‘ wrong ’ : the user 's physical appearance deteriorated over a period of time ; household and personal items were unexplainedly missing from the home ; the user began borrowing heavily and often from parents and siblings .
8 He conducted research into how artefacts gradually develop over a period of time , the study of which is known as typology .
9 Although occasionally Nizan 's assessment of a writer fluctuated over a period of time ( Gide , Giono , Mauriac ) , although on occasions Nizan was simultaneously attracted and repelled by individual writers ( Mauriac , Drieu la Rochelle , Celine ) , the bottom line was always a clear differentiation between a progressive and a reactionary attitude to culture .
10 Aim to collect over a period of time a variety of texts covering different types of oral literature , the formal and the informal , fiction and truth , narrative and exhortation , and so on .
11 Anyone who deals with Ottoman institutions will know how perilous is the task of trying to define terms , since a number are possessed of multiple significations , often changing over a period of time , and the particular sense intended in any given case is not always clear from the context : will serve as one example , another , and , in the learned profession , which has the limited sense of a student at the Sahn and the wider sense of any student in " higher " education , that is , at a 20-akce medrese or above .
12 If the damage occurred over a period of time , there is no cover .
13 Subsidence can occur over a period of time without the knowledge of the Policyholder .
14 Does it have a short time span or does it last over a period of time ?
15 If the water coming out of taps ( mainly hot ones ) slows over a period of time , the problem is likely to be scale in the pipes — especially if you have a direct hot water system ( see page 48 ) .
16 Also , short term memory decays over a period of time .
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