Example sentences of "most important thing [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The most important thing is that next season Manchester City are in the First Division . ’
2 The most important thing is that next season Manchester City are in the First Division . ’
3 The most important thing is that you do it — do n't wait for your partner to bring the subject up , it may never happen !
4 The most important thing is that they are superb warriors .
5 I think perhaps the most important thing is that voluntary agencies should do what they believe is right , and not allow their own objectives to be distorted , simply because a , of particular flavours , which is why I 'm saying let us grab the agenda and write the agenda , rather than have the agenda set for us by other people .
6 The most important thing is that you 're in danger of not being able to ask the nasty questions because the family are all so lovely and you get on so well with them and do n't want to ask impertinent questions . ’
7 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
8 But she admits there was room for rationalization in other areas ; ‘ at first clothes were never costed properly ; in fact we may have been underpricing ’ , she explained , ‘ but for Laura the most important thing was that everyone was working happily together ’ .
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