Example sentences of "as far as [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As far as rules go , he can say whatever comes into his head and it will be as correct as anything else .
2 In addition , as far as English has been concerned , others besides progressives and radicals have questioned the value of academic approaches for working-class pupils .
3 Every culture in Britain at the moment has a similar philosophy as far as size goes : if you want to look good , be desirable , you 've got to be thin .
4 He walked out as far as Scheveningen to draw the fisherwomen there .
5 AMES wishes to see the FDR-FMLN adopt a " Minimum Women 's Programme " as part of its published manifesto and believes that as far as conditions permit , it is necessary to work for change now .
6 A lovely record of this highly pictorial ( as far as aeroplanes go ) era .
7 So the regulatory tactic should be to ban the risks consensus defines as unacceptable and to impose ( if necessary ) a duty to limit other risks as far as money allows .
8 As far as money goes , Peckham has the existing yearly budget for research in the NHS plus new money to pay for a support staff of more than 50 people in the research programme at the Department of Health .
9 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
10 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
11 ( Okland played as a pro in the Bundesliga and in France and as far as i remember he played in the team that beat England 2–1 at home in the 1981 chock-winner for Norway ) .
12 Motivated by a ‘ passion ’ for what she does , she still refuses to ‘ take it that seriously ’ , emphasising that , as far as motherhood goes , she will not compromise .
13 Supposedly for American sympathizers to the Nazi cause , as far as Asa knew , they never had more than half a dozen members and he had n't met the others .
14 Well get Fantavision , this shareware product is the business as far as animation goes .
15 As far as defenders go
16 ‘ Only as far as proof goes .
17 Folk said only trust foreigners as far as th'could see 'em — no further .
18 As far as chances went , Town were on top .
19 Compounding the problem was the fact that , as far as Coleman knew , no such person as Thomas Leavy had ever existed .
20 As far as fossils go , though , local taphonomic bias in favour of the preservation of either articulated scale-like armour , phosphatized skeletal fragments or soft parts leads to a sporadic and incomplete record .
21 As far as defence goes
22 Gary Chapman says that at some tracks they can hit 120 miles an hour … as far as cost goes you can spend fifty thousand … or just five hundred …
23 The school was divided into Upper and Lower boys , and the Lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library : they cooked their tea , ran errands for them , being sent perhaps as far as Windsor to fetch a cake from Fuller 's teashop , and they had to come at once when someone in the Library shouted " Boy ! " , the last arrival being given the job .
24 As far as Marcus had been concerned she had succeeded too well , she admitted as she paid cursory attention to the long dark lashes fringing her clear grey eyes .
25 As far as Comfort knew , they had returned to the States for the duration , although in fact they had been in London for part of the time , working for the Free French , and back in France for most of the rest .
26 Sylvia Pedder sometimes has to go as far as Cumbria to see her relatives .
27 Though the hoped-for explosion of educational television has not happened the effect has not been entirely negative as far as literacy goes .
28 It has often been said that he did not really have any very clear idea of what he wanted from his Council ; and as far as content goes , that may be true .
29 As far as instruments go , Robben seems to be the sole endorser of the Fender Esprit guitar …
30 As far as price goes , these machines are still at the budget end of the market .
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