Example sentences of "might [be] suitable for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when a building looks a problem to sell , some planning authorities show a dangerous tendency to try to be kind and make encouraging noises that parts of the grounds might be suitable for development .
2 To try to decide how many patients might be suitable for transplantation , an audit was performed of admissions ot a district general hospital of patients with end stage liver disease .
3 In regions where there is a very distinctive form of metalwork , an extreme example being the disc brooches of Kent , the distribution might be suitable for analysis as the problems concerning the measurement of similarity are less important .
4 But how did the idea that sound might be suitable for microscopy arise ?
5 This problem is not uncommon , as many books on computer applications , which might be suitable for undergraduate case studies , are padded out with material readily found in any good general introductory text .
6 Nevertheless , Brearley thought that the alloy might have uses in other high-corrosion situations and , as it did not tarnish , might be suitable for cutlery .
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