Example sentences of "seem to [be] relate to " in BNC.

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1 We found some discrepancies between care of the elderly and of younger people under the care programme approach , which seemed to be related to different modes of organizing service delivery .
2 This effect was not easily predictable , but seemed to be related to pedestrian trip routes , and the network of pedestrian flows in the city centre .
3 This is an important difference as physical abuse and neglect do seem to be associated with social , material and environmental stress and hence seem to be related to social class .
4 There are also several creatures which , while they seem to be related to the segmented worms , are rather more complex in structure and quite unlike any other animals that we know , living or fossil .
5 platelet activating factor precursors seem to be related to the calcium increase in gastric cells .
6 Fistulas after operation are a special problem of this operation and seem to be related to a failure to recognise Crohn 's disease , technical problems related to pouch construction and ileoanal anastomosis , or from secondary sepsis .
7 In origin , this inverted posture seems to be related to the scent-marking action of certain small carnivores that deposit their odours upwards on high objects .
8 This seems to be related to certain features of Japanese lifestyle and working practices , such as shared decision-making , group affiliations , corporate identity , group counselling , etc .
9 However , the change is taking place at a differential rate which seems to be related to the relative prestige of the various media .
10 That point of order seems to be related to the matter that we have just been discussing .
11 This increased incidence of gastric carcinomas seems to be related to local factors .
12 K-ras codon 12 mutation , however , is much more common and seems to be related to size and degree of dysplasia .
13 The cause is unknown but seems to be related to congenital vascular abnormalities .
14 This reduction in velocity seems to be related to the timing of the contact between India and Eurasia .
15 Erm in East Anglia erm sorry that 's , that 's true for the north and the south west , in East Anglia er output also has been flat erm but that seems to be related to weakness in export demand in the region erm export was the weakest er in that region of any region throughout the U K although total optimism is strong so it seems to be the case erm though business is being done the export economy erm in East Anglia .
16 Probably rather less than immediately appears , for , although symptoms of thrush may seem to be related to a recent sexual act , it may be that the trauma of vigorous sexual intercourse has brought to the surface that which was lying dormant .
17 However , visual impairment does seem to be related to both anxiety and depression .
18 Furthermore , the balance of the domestic division of labour does not seem to be related to the work done by men .
19 One surprising aspect of the recall results was that they did not seem to be related to previous knowledge of the junctions , it had seemed possible that even simple junctions would be memorable if they had not been previously encountered .
20 Chemiluminescence was also inhibited by indomethacin , but this did not seem to be related to inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase .
21 The mechanism by which H pylori infection increases serum gastrin is unknown but does not seem to be related to the bacterium 's urease activity or any effect of this on antral surface pH .
22 The course and severity of the pulmonary involvement does not seem to be related to the activity of the intestinal disease .
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