Example sentences of "because she 'd [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They did n't see the second passenger because she 'd fallen into the well between the front and back seats .
2 And she was n't such a push-over she was going to melt just because she 'd fallen in love with a man with a heart of ice .
3 That particular ghost was said at first , because she 'd lived in a hulking great castle with fields and forests and things , and when she saw it again it was a council estate and , as I said , a supermarket .
4 Carole said that she always brought everything including the kitchen sink because she 'd stayed in the past in basecamps where there had n't even been enough mattresses to go round ; one in South Wales had been a wooden hut with gas lights and a fridge half a mile away .
5 It was incredible but true — incredible because she 'd only known Fen for a week — incredible because she 'd begun by disliking him — but true that she was in love with him .
6 Or had she only been cold because she 'd known of her husband 's friendship with a beautiful young Irish girl ?
7 Had she only responded because she 'd needed to be loved ?
8 Despite her fiery auburn curls , she very rarely lost her temper — largely because she 'd learnt over the years to put a tight lid on seething emotions in public , keeping explosions solely for when she was by herself .
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