Example sentences of "because it be obvious [that] " in BNC.

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1 The reader will probably reply that the question is quite otiose because it is obvious that , as Freud himself pointed out , the oral region is of first significance in a new-born baby 's life , the anal zone is significant later , especially with the coming of toilet-training , and the phallic period is last merely because it is only later that increasing awareness of the genitals and the ability to manipulate them and perceive the persons of the parents causes Oedipal phenomena ( which are synonymous with the phallic period ) to come to the fore .
2 Lendl smiled and countered : ‘ It would be laughable if I did n't say it because it 's obvious that Wimbledon is my main goal — to pretend otherwise would be wrong . ’
3 ‘ That must have been interesting , ’ said Julia and then , because it was obvious that Felicity did not want to talk about her war experiences , began to swap anodyne reminiscences with her .
4 Huxley 's effort to create a scientific ‘ biology ’ based on morphology and physiology had broken down , partly because it was obvious that field studies were necessary to solve certain kinds of biological questions .
5 It was him above all she would be trying to impress by her break with convention — impress in a quite futile way , because it was obvious that he and Clare were permanently attached .
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