Example sentences of "because it seemed [prep] me " in BNC.

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1 The Commissioner states in his report : ‘ Because it seemed to me that the Minister 's letter implied that the NHS had an absolute duty to provide care for the complainant 's father once it became clear that he could no longer meet the nursing home fees , I asked the DoH for clarification of the legal position and invited their general views . ’
2 And I must also add that I was a trifle put out , and surprised , because it seemed to me that he was turning down a good opportunity .
3 I was happy to agree with this because it seemed to me that teachers were not ready for all the problems of assessment of speaking and listening for pupils aged 14 to 16 , and for the profile component to be given a 20 per cent weighting would be a considerable step forward .
4 And when he said that he could n't agree with me , but please , please could n't we let the matter drop since nothing we said or did could alter the course of events , I was enraged because it seemed to me that this really was his attitude , he wanted a quiet life , not to be involved .
5 That I 've done what I 've done because it seemed to me right , not because I wanted to spite him . ’
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