Example sentences of "over a wide [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The house sits snugly , 275 feet above sea level , with a view southwards out over a wide expanse of undulating country to hills beyond .
2 They were spread over a wide expanse of riverbank , back at the twisting curling Shannon river once more .
3 Specialist supervision is available over a wide spectrum of periods ( from palaeolithic to the early historic ) and a broad range of regions ( from Scotland , across Europe , including central and eastern Europe , to the Mediterranean and the Middle East ) .
4 The House Committee continued to exercise its jurisdiction over a wide variety of day-to-day matters at the institution .
5 ‘ All metals expand when heated ’ will only be a legitimate generalization if the observations of expansion on which it is based range over a wide variety of conditions .
6 Nonetheless , research and development in post-war fighter aircraft went forward at a brisk pace and over a wide range of options .
7 Jacques Delors , ’ said the message — in tones which observers yesterday took to be ironical , given the sometimes bitter sparring between London and Brussels over a wide range of policies .
8 Hickson is large enough to provide excellent support in terms of safety systems , effluent treatment , safety testing ( all aspects ) , corrosion testing , engineering expertise and in depth experience over a wide range of equipment and chemistry .
9 ( ii ) They should be taught , over a wide range of texts , how to analyse with some sophistication the differences between attitudes or assumptions displayed by a character and those of the author .
10 For instance , a great deal of development has occurred within enterprise zones , and the Urban programme has presided over a wide range of projects .
11 Compressors in heat pumps need to give high efficiency over a wide range of operating temperatures , but those developed for refrigeration tend to be designed for a comparatively narrow range .
12 It is found over a wide range of species , from butterflies and wasps to sea snakes and skunks .
13 In the theory which accompanied this series it was shown that the function of regulated systems was to convert a ‘ rough ’ d.c. input voltage into a stable d.c. output voltage which would be maintained over a wide range of load current requirements as well as input voltage variations .
14 Hence the output voltage , within the design limits , remains constant over a wide range of current and input voltage variations .
15 The one thing they need is water , and if they find a damp surface in the home they will germinate and grow there quite happily over a wide range of temperatures , especially if the relative humidity of the air is above 70% for long periods .
16 The result is that conflicts in one set of relationships , over a wide range of society , or over a long period of time , lead to the re-establishment of social cohesion ( 1955 : 2 ) .
17 The Piaroa daily express to one another their right to private choice and their right to be free from domination over a wide range of matters , such as residence , work , self development , and even marriage .
18 Having experimented with parallel scalar and parallel vector processing , and straight vector processing , the company concludes that while vector parallel processing is very efficient over a wide range of applications , conventional vector machines offer superior performance for many applications , so the company will continue to develop its USL SVR4-based Unix , UXP/M and proprietary MSP-based VP and VPX machines .
19 In the long term , a dictionary needs to be above a certain size to provide sufficient coverage over a wide range of domains .
20 These two are cognitively synonymous over a wide range of contexts :
21 Precious substances have enriched religious iconography over a wide range of faiths from the idols of marginal societies to the divinities of religions disposing of priestly hierarchies and sumptuous architectural settings .
22 He goes on to conclude that in large companies management frequently possesses power over a wide range of decisions , subject to constraints or partial control exercised by others in some decision areas .
23 Fig. 6. 19 shows the improvement that can be achieved in 80/20 type files — those in which 80 per cent of the accesses are to 20 per cent of the records — for buckets holding one , two , three and four records over a wide range of packing densities , and Table 6.8 provides figures for a number of bucket sizes and packing densities .
24 In his latter years Tilden also studied the specific heat of metals over a wide range of temperatures , and the history of chemistry .
25 Throughout the public sector individuals exercise discretion over a wide range of issues .
26 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
27 Dampers are carefully designed so that this linear relationship is preserved over a wide range of speed difference .
28 In many applications the motor must be able to produce a large Pull-out torque over a wide range of stepping rates , so the time taken to position a load is minimised .
29 In fact , Savage ( 1978 ) in reviewing econometric evidence over a wide range of studies , concludes that the interest rate has been found to have little significance in influencing UK fixed investment .
30 The observation of a progression enables the vibrational potential function to be specified over a wide range of the quantum number ν .
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