Example sentences of "back [prep] the [adj] room " in BNC.

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1 She marched furiously back towards the front room , poured herself a glass of wine and downed it quickly .
2 ‘ But not today , ’ she said finally , grabbed the bottle of wine and two glasses and walked back into the other room .
3 She smoothed her hair and straightened the shoulder-straps of her black camisole , then with an effort composed her face into an expression of detached amusement as she went back into the other room .
4 I pressed the door shut , and pressed him back into the lighted room at the rear of the store .
5 So I went back into the spare room , I was doing some ironing which was on the you know and the next minute the phone went !
6 He walked back into the front room and placed the keys on the sideboard and then hung his jacket on the inside of the door .
7 From the hall outside the court , Doyle peered back into the drab room , wondering whether the girl would re-appear , and give him a chance to make his opening .
8 She pushed me , resisting wildly , back into the red room and locked me in .
9 She was suddenly aware of approaching hurried footsteps , and scurried back into the last room she had passed , which was n't locked and turned out to be a storeroom for spare cables and bulbs for the lighting system .
10 ‘ Be our guest , ’ said Noolan and went back into the social room leaving the large figure , head wreathed in cigarette smoke , seated at the top of the big committee sized table .
11 ‘ Lavinia , what do we do when we come back from the littlest room ?
12 Oh well we 'll go back in the other room .
13 And there she was , back in the long room with the little glass table .
14 Back in the spare room there were problems .
15 He , Kelley and the other Rex were back in the top-secret room .
16 I am back in the little room at the top of the spiral staircase on Wednesday morning and I am sitting on the Squeez-Ee box , with the minute in front of me , going through the remaining contents of the Quaker Oats archive , page by dusty page .
17 Back in the Green Room , Roy and Judy psyche themselves up for the performance .
18 They were back in the Chinese room Sara once more tried to guess whether anything was missing .
19 Finch finished the movement and then came back to the other room , thinking of how much time he had spent with Henry and Betty over the years .
20 They went back to the other room eventually .
21 When she had undressed and put it on without catching her own eye in the mirror she went back to the other room and dumped the handbag on top of the dressing-table .
22 Politicians were masters of the quick recovery , Trent thought as he went back to the front room .
23 Dragging myself down the unlit hallway floor like a slug , I coiled myself back , back to the back room , and ate and waited .
24 Approximately one hour later , they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again .
25 So I went like a little lamb following a mother sheep , back to the same room .
26 Owen had him taken back to the underground room .
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