Example sentences of "on to [art] [noun sg] floor " in BNC.

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1 The grenade dropped right on to the cab floor in front of Rex .
2 The steamy yellow gruel in the bucket splashed out on to the kitchen floor .
3 Before waiting for an answer she takes me by the hand and leads me on to the dance floor .
4 Pain Teens open up in a cloud of dry ice that fills the stage and eventually leaks out on to the dance floor .
5 The producer 's girlfriend kept getting John on to the dance floor , and the more John drank , the more intolerant he became of her .
6 Putting her glass on the bar , she went on to the dance floor with him .
7 NERVE SET — Brian Eno ( WEA ) Following his collaboration with John Cale on Wrong Way Up and his production duties with U2 , Eno drags his ambient aesthetic kicking and screaming on to the dance floor .
8 There were people everywhere , rushing to the bars , crowding on to the dance floor , filling all the chairs and tables .
9 Only the Sikh men seemed to have other things on their mind as , twirling their moustaches , they downed great tumblers of whisky and tried to lure the prettiest girls on to the dance floor .
10 She lit one and carried it into the ballroom , where the silver light from a large moon cast shadows on to the wood floor .
11 There is a sudden scuffle as one of the dancers collapses , delirious on to the stone floor .
12 Before he got half way , they dropped with an almighty crash on to the stone floor .
13 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
14 He glanced round the corner of the altar and watched a German officer who had been hit in the side of the head slump through the curtains and out of a wooden box on to the stone floor .
15 I would have loved to have swung the sodding bag and hit him straight in the balls but the old tight-fist snatched it off me and threw the gold on to the hall floor so he could watch his courtiers scramble .
16 Bella was very old now and would probably be glad of a rest , George considered , so he drew the pony to a halt and walked her off the road and on to the quarry floor .
17 Faint light from the open doors of Five , Lower Six and Upper Six made it possible to see , shedding pale blurry patches on to the corridor floor .
18 He allowed his papers to drop on to the cabin floor , and his eyes lit up with interest .
19 At his command all four took off their masks and tracksuit tops and threw them through the windows on to the garage floor .
20 The airport control tower was built out from the roof of the house and several huts of varied design were built on to the ground floor as reception , customs and office areas .
21 The Bugis step their masts directly on to the deck rather than through it on to the hull floor beneath .
22 Come straight down on to the concrete floor .
23 He knew how to get a product that was decent and rather unexciting on to the shop floor , but when it became necessary to add more to that product and to innovate in design terms , he did n't know how to go about it .
24 ‘ Christ knows what will happen when I take her on to the shop floor , ’ he said .
25 Rustling in her stiff new overall — Mr Mulgrove 's administrative eye had rested in disappointment on the extra foot of Anna 's grey corduroy skirt that hung below it — Anna followed Tim out of the warehouse and down a grim cold staircase on to the shop floor .
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