Example sentences of "should take [prep] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 One recommendation is that ‘ Parliamentary Counsel and departmental lawyers should take to heart the criticisms that continue to be made , by those most directly affected , of the style of drafting of statute law , and should review their own drafting styles accordingly . ’
2 I think any feminist movement in Britain should take on board the fact that Ireland is a colony and the fact that there is a lot of denial that goes on , people pretending it is n't happening , and saying there 's nothing that can be done .
3 The manager should take into account the artist 's wishes and aspirations .
4 Council has been insistent that as this strategic study of the profession moves to the advanced planning stage , it should take into account the public as well as the private sector , the small practitioner as well as the large .
5 This should take into account the physical , legal and market implications of what , on the face of it , might seem to be a simple process .
6 This duly happened , and in the judgment published in November 1991 , it was held that the valuation of the estates should take into account the agricultural tenancies granted by the late Lady Fox to herself and her farming partners .
7 No group should undertake conservation work without first consulting the French archive , and all work should take into account the findings of the Getty Conservation Institute 's imminent study to determine the precise causes of stonework decay at Angkor .
8 Promoters of public investment projects should take into account the external effects of their actions in so far as they alter the physical production possibilities of other producers or the satisfaction that consumers get from given resources .
9 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
10 They resolved that the idea of a European conference on disarmament should take into account the Mediterranean dimension and should involve ‘ concrete measures which will lead not only to confidence building but also to the initiation of steps to lessen forces in the region ’ .
11 The assessment should take into account the child 's physical , emotional and educational needs according to his age , sex , religion , culture and language .
12 The court should take into account the views of all parties including the child before making a direction .
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