Example sentences of "than [pron] will ever [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had more shooting practice out here in the fields with Davide than I 'll ever have in Caserta !
2 But in this one you 're right and that makes me right too without having to decide just why I 'm doing this and perhaps doing more than I 'll ever get around to telling you .
3 Like I was saying to one of the men in the section who has n't been that co-operative , like , I 'm only here for a year and you all know more than I will ever know about policing .
4 That took more courage than you 'll ever possess .
5 More than you 'll ever know .
6 ‘ More than you 'll ever know , probably , ’ he answered enigmatically .
7 ‘ Twenty , but I 've lived more than you 'll ever live . ’
8 Do n't go feeling sorry for him : he has more power than you 'll ever have .
9 And perhaps our marriage did n't last long , but I had more of him than you 'll ever have .
10 You achieved more than you will ever realize .
11 I am sorrier than you will ever understand , Mr Swinton , much , much sorrier .
12 Then in her full , sad , serious voice , ‘ Perhaps I shall regret it , more perhaps than you will ever know , you foolish girl .
13 Before the finale , when he mystifyingly decided they were more important than they 'll ever know , ’ he accused them of speaking ‘ piffle , tosh and cynicism . ’
14 Paul McCartney and Madonna , Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch all have more money than they will ever need .
15 One monk noted in reply to the Commission 's enquiries that religious communities probably owe to music more of their spirituality than they will ever know .
16 We might go on to say that not only in the medieval period with its plainsong , but also today , the Church owes more to the prayer and music of the religious orders than it will ever appreciate .
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