Example sentences of "come together [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am a Labour supporter with many friends carrying cards , and , despite having observed the ‘ anti-Labour virulence ’ of the SNP , I do want Labour to come together with the Nats , the Liberals , the Greens , the Unions , the churches , the mosques , the synagogues , Uncle Tom Cobbley and all .
2 It is more like a slow process of sifting , in which , by a long series of stages , and with many pauses , grains of one kind tend to come together in a heap ’ .
3 The eight parties which had come together as the Kurdistan Front took part on May 19 in elections for an executive leader and a 105-seat Iraqi Kurdistan National Assembly for the Kurds of northern Iraq .
4 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
5 To this end , they have come together under the umbrella of the Negros Ecumenical Endeavour for Development ( NEED ) , an institution that was formed in 1979 to serve deprived and oppressed communities in the central islands of the Philippines , including Negros .
6 Soon after , all the rabbits had come together in a kind of hollow .
7 Word has it that an unlikely combination of forces have come together in a bid to establish a new standard for installing Unix software from graphical user interfaces and will be showing their stuff next month 's Uniforum show in San Francisco .
8 The previous year , BASF , Bayer , Hoechst , Agfa and a number of smaller German companies had come together in the Interes-sengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie ( IG Farben ) .
9 The true population of genes , which constitutes the working environment of any given gene , is not just the temporary collection that happens to have come together in the cells of any particular individual body .
10 Possibly it was only after they came together under the aegis of Apollinaire , one of the greatest artistic impresarios of his age , that they felt the attraction towards each other that was to result in the most unusual and intensive collaboration in the history of art .
11 In 1899 Silvester Horne in his Popular History of the Free Churches claimed that Councils ‘ came together under the shadow of a great common peril … whenever sacerdotal intolerance had to be resisted the machinery should be in existence …
12 A group of former Young Farmers who appeared in the film came together for a lunchtime drink to remember the making of the film and to talk over old times .
13 The group , which included some 30 journalists , media teachers and lawyers from throughout Africa , came together for a seminar on ‘ The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights and its Impact on Communication Policy and Practice ’ .
14 The group , which included some 30 journalists , media teachers and lawyers from throughout Africa , came together for a seminar on ‘ The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights and its Impact on Communication Policy and Practice ’ .
15 The two legends came together for a race in aid of the charity , Comic Relief .
16 Whereby the whole church family , broke up into groups for a period of education , and then came together for a time of celebration and worship .
17 The mess on the ground in front of me came together as a man , and Daine — still dazed from his transformations , still pinned like a vampire butterfly — stared up in hatred .
18 Both the sun and the air as wind were essential to human life and in Amun-Re came together as a coalescence of creative elements .
19 We came together as a group almost by accident , but there was a convergence of our experiences and a symmetry to our ideas which made the first few months of our existence one of the most stimulating and electrifying of my life .
20 The work on show , produced by none recently graduated women artists , demonstrates an unmistakable commitment both to engage and challenge the painterly and formal conventions of modernism. 2 The group originally came together as a result of a set of interviews and articles coordinated by Rebecca Fortnum and Gill Houghton , published in a special issue of the Women Artists ' Slide Library Journal in 1989. 3
21 This came together with the permit for fish farmers to enclose part of the waters .
22 The 1960's was a successful decade , although the future and the past came together with the passing of many early members .
23 Best of all , the warring factions of the committee somehow came together on the night .
24 However , as the entire industry worked with cut and paste technology this was n't seen as any real problem , headlines , captions and other type elements only really came together on the paste-up table .
25 Stravinsky 's three works for piano and orchestra , the Concerto for piano and wind , the Capriccio , and Movements came together on an HMV record , with Michel Béroff and the Paris Orchestra under Seiji Ozawa , and Stravinsky himself had left recordings of his Danses concertantes , Four Norwegian Moods , the Ode , and the Concerto in D for strings .
26 Fierce repression failed to eliminate the growing strength of the Social Democrats , and in 1887 , after decades of faction fighting , the groups came together at the Hainfeld Congress to form a single multinational party under the foremost Social Democrat , Victor Adler .
27 They came together near the hamlet of Senlac , on the most convenient road from Pevensey to London .
28 I attended the final meeting , at which the member states , guided by the Dutch presidency , came together behind a text that they found acceptable .
29 The legates were first received by Archbishop Jaenberht at Canterbury , from whence they journeyed to the court of Offa , who received them most favourably , and Offa , together with Cynewulf , king of the West Saxons , came together in a council where papal letters directing attention to the need for reform in the Anglo-Saxon Church were consulted and promises of reform made .
30 Her teeth came together in a snap .
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