Example sentences of "also make a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 'll also make a grab for any toy that takes her fancy , even if she 's told it belongs to another child .
2 Everything else at IBM Corp was rather overshadowed last Tuesday by its announcement of the end of the world as its employees know it — and in effect , the death of the mainframe , but the company did also make a couple of significant product announcements , notably Release 2 of AIX/ESA mainframe Unix Version 2 , built on the Open Software Foundation 's OSF/1 Release 1.1 with additional IBM enhancements to exploit large processor capabilities .
3 You should also make a bed on which the flowers can lie from plenty of clean but crumpled tissue paper , also gently tucking it around the sides of the bouquet for added protection .
4 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
5 If there is a disturbance at the periphery we already know some observation sentences which we have to revise , and we must also make a revision in the interior , for our original theory has been proved false .
6 Your own preferences will also make a difference to how aggressively you play , and what tactics you use .
7 What they write can also make a difference to the way the legal plans for the curriculum are translated into classroom practice .
8 It must also make a submission to parliament containing proposals relating to the policy to be followed next year in respect of the dealing with the state assets .
9 You should also make a note of the serial numbers of your television , video and hi-fi equipment and any other items of value .
10 ( 6 ) The Panel can also make a report of any wrongdoing to the DTI which may then use its own extensive powers to investigate the matter .
11 The modification is that the Government would also make a charge to the trading fund , representing an opportunity cost of capital charge .
12 The agent can also make a deal with the promoter on the gross and not the net figures .
13 However , Mr Lamont , who may also make a cut in betting duty , is set to sanction the VAT registration of owners , enabling the recovery of VAT incurred on buying horses and on training fees .
14 He can also make a point of talking to Mr Yeltsin and other republican leaders to offer them moral support .
15 She also has a genuine chance of succeeding Troke as a Commonwealth Games gold medallist , and may also make a challenge in Moscow in April for the European title , which Troke has won twice .
16 Although the agricultural departments may make competent judgements about the suitability of hill land for agriculture or forestry it is difficult to comprehend how they might also make an assessment of the potential wider impact of a change in land use without considerably more evidence than is currently available .
17 As well as the fashion design award , the Trust will also make an award to a local school for business enterprise .
18 He could also make an error of judgement in his choice of sailors , at least one of whom turned on him the moment they were inside the door and threatened to beat him up if he did not hand over money .
19 It can also make an order in any family proceedings in connection with a child in care .
20 You can also make an appointment with the librarian or one of his staff so that the classification system can be explained to you together with any skills involved in scanning the microfiche for details of authors , articles and sources .
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