Example sentences of "just happen [prep] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The user prepares a document using Berthold fonts and sends it to a bureau for output on an imagesetter which just happens to be running Hell-Xenotron 's Bridgit .
2 You know , just happen to be passing when they 're going out of school . ’
3 Endless ads have been Green or organic , from the guy who rips his plans up to wreck the countryside and earns himself a beer , to the couple in the deodorant ad who just happen to be frolicking naked in the forest with camouflage make-up .
4 Pilkington disliked the impression conveyed that these friendly personalities just happened to be recommending products as though they were disinterested parties .
5 BBS seriously considered firing Hopper ; the pressure of moving a production team of twenty-three people from state to state , writing the script on the run and persuading innocent citizens of the United States of America who just happened to be passing at the time to appear in the movie , was a heavy burden for all .
6 Just happened to be passing , you know the sort of thing . ’
7 The puppet is an exhibit at a cartoon gallery in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford and the real Mr Heseltine just happened to be passing through .
8 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
9 Maybe it was n't even him that took my bag — maybe it was one of those American tourists or someone I did n't even see , and Dayglo here — Vern — just happened to be running along the wharf .
10 And also , the use of the yellow background , I do n't know , erm whether it was deliberately chosen or whether she just happened to be standing there , but the yellow background makes it stand out .
11 The police just happened to be checking cars today .
12 That small problem solved itself readily : one door stood open with Bruce Davidson leaning on the side in a careful presentation of a man who had just happened to be passing .
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