Example sentences of "good deal of [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 I have run upstairs and downstairs , ironed huge sheets and four pillowcases at a time , spent a good deal of money on nourishing and delicate foods and extra milk .
2 The Attorney General had , under instructions , done a good deal of work on the issue .
3 Because of the enormous risks inherent in war the armed services have traditionally put a good deal of emphasis on training .
4 The crisis model places a good deal of emphasis on ‘ flair ’ and ‘ personality ’ .
5 As long ago as the late nineteenth century Ravenstein ( 1885 ) had formulated seven general laws of migration which placed a good deal of emphasis on rural depopulation .
6 This process shows great cunning on the part of Nature , also a good deal of cleverness on the part of George .
7 Throughout our recent evolutionary history , particularly since the rise of a hunting way of life , there must have been extreme selective pressures in favour of our ability to co-operate as a group : organized food gathering and hunts are successful only if each member of the band knows his task and joins in with the activity of his fellows ; a good deal of restraint on natural impulses during the stalk and capture of the prey is likewise essential .
8 But if your company has retained a good deal of discretion on key matters , it may be able to impose major changes on your working life without giving rise to a constructive dismissal claim .
9 However , we can point to a good deal of information on the effectiveness of signing in communication and in various aspects of language development ( Moores , 1978 ; Quigley , 1979 ) .
10 Both nationalized industries and local authorities publish a good deal of information on their various and diverse activities ( see chapters 8 and 10 ) In Type A nonprofit organizations the level of revenue raised is often regarded as indicative of the value that recipients place on an organization 's services .
11 This needs a good deal of confidence on the part of the teacher , but is very productive as real responsibility for decision-making is transferred to the children .
12 Between the wars the Germans did a good deal of research on nailed joints and also invented new and clever forms of mechanical connectors .
13 The relative scarcity of ethnographic descriptions of peaceful societies has resulted in focusing a good deal of interest on those that do exist : Colin Turnbull 's description of the Ituri Forest Pygmies ( 1961 ) , Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ' characterization of the ‘ harmless people ’ , the Kalahari Bushmen ( 1958 ) , Robert Dentan 's description of the Semai as ‘ non-violent people of Malaya ’ ( 1968 ) , Robert Levy 's ethnography of the Tahitians ( 1973 ) , Jean Briggs ' descriptions of the Inuit ( 1970 , 1975 ) , and Melford Spiro 's accounts of life on Ifaluk ( 1950 , 1952 ) , being among the most notable .
14 The policeman could employ a good deal of violence on his beat to avoid the need for tiresome court appearances .
15 This is a problem which seems to affect a considerable number of men in their forties and fifties , at a time when there may be a good deal of pressure on them at work and at home .
16 After a good deal of pressure on the authorities concerned , the reception centre ( 'C' Block ) was closed on 7th November 1949 . ’
17 The other thing they say , if they 're Terrans , or actually , especially if they 're not , is , Well , you must have spent a good deal of time on Good Old Mother Earth .
18 Many cathedral and other choirs spend a good deal of time on making recordings , and derive from them a modest but useful income .
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