Example sentences of "good [prep] [det] possible [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In which case the non-verbal concomitants of the various utterances are improvised as if for the first time , and in the best of all possible productions an unforeseeable Lear , Macbeth or Rosalind emerges in performance , and the speeches come across expressing meanings which would have been hard to foresee from reading the bare text .
2 The agency man owes his knowledge of a particular publication , say newspaper profiles " , not only to the National Readership Survey , but to the sales literature from the media itself which have plied him with relevant data about readership and special opportunities and offers to make their publication the best of all possible buys .
3 There he was , an island of stillness in the flow of pre-Christmas shoppers and tourists , and Londoners heading into the glittering heart of the capital for the best of all possible times .
4 Indeed , in the best of all possible media worlds , all rapes and sexual assaults would be committed by just a few sexual maniacs and the press could then help to orchestrate the national search against these declared aliens in our midst .
5 All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds , he mused , blowing a great cloud of smoke into the air above him .
6 In the best of all possible worlds , we 'd all quarantine our pond fish .
7 It was necessary in 1859 to write about the process of evolution as if it produced the best of all possible worlds , a substitute for the finger of the Almighty at work .
8 Many people who are not committed to the market mechanism as the ‘ best of all possible worlds ’ nonetheless feel a justifiable scepticism about planning .
9 He set forth an idealistic view of a society in which all privilege would be done away with , and in which wealth and power would be fairly shared , on the basis of competitive public examinations with General Essay papers on EITHER Natural Justice OR ‘ Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds . ’
10 One of the most distressing factors is the ‘ jollying up ’ attitude of staff and their expectations that the patients and their families will collude with the ritual pretence that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds .
11 These might have been held to be missing links in a chain of which the links were very small in some places , and large ( so far ) in others ; but this idea conflicted with the notion that God would have created the best of all possible worlds , which should therefore not change over time since all change must be for the worse .
12 Never again was it to be so easy for blunt common sense , which knew in any case that the triumphant world of liberal capitalist progress was the best of all possible worlds , to mobilise the universe on behalf of its prejudices .
13 Perhaps those are things that in the best of all possible worlds we would n't want to but we are forced so to do .
14 Not necessarily — the expert fishkeeper could design a system that would take the best of all possible filtration methods and effectively combine them into a very good system .
15 The panel could support such a project contrary to the county structure plan and the south Buckinghamshire local plan only if satisfied on three counts : first , that the need is abundantly clear ; secondly , that the way of tackling the flooding problem as set out in the application is undoubtedly the best of all possible alternatives ; and thirdly , that a wide variety of outstanding issues are each resolved in the best possible way .
16 Even if the best of the top n interpretations is taken , there is no guarantee that it is the best of all possible interpretations .
17 If the assembly council decides to report to next year 's general assembly that the Board of Social Responsibility is the best of all possible places for this work in training and advising ministers and others on health and healing , then we 'll happily accept that .
18 Added to that is full support for TrueType fonts , which gives the intending user the best of both possible words .
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