Example sentences of "give [noun sg] to [art] daughter " in BNC.

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1 His first wife , Helena , died in 1845 giving birth to a daughter .
2 A WOMAN who was told she could never have children due to a rare disease has just given birth to a daughter .
3 In fact the painter never did return to Koraloona — and Marama , his mistress , always thought he had abandoned her , and over the years became obsessed by bitterness at the betrayal , for she never knew that in 1903 the painter had died , after she had given birth to a daughter , a baby girl so white that her mother christened her Tiare , after the beautiful white flower of the South Seas .
4 The likelihood of a redrawing of the 817 project had surely been on the horizon since Louis married Judith ( especially so if , as seems likely , she had already given birth to a daughter , Gisèle , in 821 ) .
5 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
6 She had given birth to a daughter but Freda had been no more anxious to marry than he had .
7 This doctrine reflected the beliefs of Young Joseph , whose first wife gave birth to a daughter in 1865 .
8 In Italy the palazzo has a literary claim to fame because in one of the rooms overlooking Piazza San Fedele Virginia Marino , wife of the son of the first Spanish governor of Milan , gave birth to a daughter , Marianna , who became the ‘ Nun of Monza ’ celebrated in a well-known Italian novel .
9 On the strength of this extra income , Mozart moved his family to another apartment , Unten den Tuchlauben , where on 27 December 1787 Constanze gave birth to a daughter , Theresia .
10 The next minute , he was clutching Joan 's hand as she gave birth to a daughter .
11 Other passengers helped to erect a tent of tarpaulins on the deck and in it she gave birth to a daughter .
12 Hetty moved to Louth with her new husband , and gave birth to a daughter by an unnamed lover on 18 February 1726 .
13 On Jan. 25 , 1990 , Bhutto gave birth to a daughter ( thereby becoming the first head of government to give birth while in office ) ; the withdrawal of the Prime Minister from public life during the latter months of her pregnancy increased the aura of indecisiveness surrounding the government , particularly as the Cabinet had offered its resignation in mid-November ( see p. 37043 ) .
14 It was not long before Judith gave birth to a daughter , named Gisèle after Charlemagne 's favourite sister .
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