Example sentences of "could result [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At this time Pöhl 's decision , and uncertainty at the prospect that higher interest rates and inflation could result from monetary union , led to unease on the otherwise buoyant West German financial markets .
2 Strike-slip faults could result from interior contraction , though they do not reduce the surface area .
3 In the same way Bernard Mandeville subtitled The Fable of the Bees ‘ Private Vices , Public Benefits ’ and showed how in the economy of the hive social harmony could result from each individual pursuing his own self-interest .
4 Since the carriers risked their ships , it was assumed that they would select and supervise their crews with enough care to prevent the damages that could result from improper management and navigation of the ship .
5 Regrowth of the colony could result in additional phase variation events .
6 Paradoxically , then , reduced citation visibility for authors could result in middle authorship continuing to be regarded as an earned ( and hence valued ) privilege rather than as a right , a favour , a payback , or an inconsequential bagatelle .
7 The council felt that the domestication of the site could result in serious danger to any inhabitants because it is near high pressure petrol and gas pipelines .
8 Mr Noble 's report also said : ‘ The formation and use of an additional access to the A172 would add unduly to the hazards of highway users and could result in increased congestion and delays .
9 We can speculate that increased excitability of the smooth muscle in the bowel because of failure of the inhibitory sympathetic modulation of parasympathetic activity could result in increased mixing and segmental activity of the colon with impaired coordination of peristaltic activity .
10 Failure to meet statutory requirements could result in legal action against the Council by the EC , the Forth River Purification Board and the Government .
11 These included suspicion that a person 's actions could result in armed robbery or ethnic conflict or could deprive a community of the " essentials of life " .
12 Failure to report any of these situations could result in disciplinary action .
13 Unauthorised disclosure to the media is no longer described as a ‘ potentially serious breach of contract ’ ( see Lancet Oct 24 , 1992 , p 1031 , and Nov 21 , p 1277 for draft guidance ) , but the new advice says that if such disclosure is judged to be unjustified it could result in disciplinary action .
14 The failure of flight control systems , nuclear power station systems and defence systems could result in major loss of life .
15 The law could result in less security for business .
16 One bad experience could result in life-long egglessness or celibacy .
17 The fact that highly improbable circumstances could result in significant upside potential should not affect the presentation .
18 ‘ We very much want to trace the driver of that vehicle because they might hold vital information which could result in this robbery being solved , ’ added the spokesman .
19 The Institution of Environmental Health Officers fears that the disposal of carcasses on farmland could result in large scale pollution of water courses [ see ED no. 44 ] .
20 If you do it could result in little Sousan 's murder .
21 But they are also concerned that the referee 's report could result in more trouble for Hateley , possibly even a three-match ban .
22 Such excessive contents of platelet activating factor could result in further stimulation of acinar cells as platelet activating factor is capable of inducing the secretion of enzymes , of reducing the blood flow , and increasing vascular permeability leading to tissue oedema and injury .
23 It becomes abundantly clear from these accounts that then as now , family support was a two-way process , and that responding to a crisis could result in intense friction as well as in deep affection .
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