Example sentences of "could not [be] said [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Rhys , of Cardiff Business School , points out that the Essex plant is in an area of low unemployment and that the same could not be said of the other big plants .
2 That could not be said of the Cuban missile crisis which could be seen as President Kennedy 's determination to uphold the Monroe doctrine .
3 Erica herself was entirely honest , and worked hard for her causes , but the same could not be said of some of her associates .
4 By the time that the Book of Isaiah was written however , things were being said about Israel 's God that could not be said of any other , and this led increasingly to the claim that the God of Israel is the only one that exists .
5 Unfortunately the same could not be said of the bad weather ruling which reared its ugly head too often .
6 The Government 's policy on television in mainland Tanzania could be seen as anti-elitist ; the same could not be said of its policy on the press .
7 The senior staff of the TANU press felt that , while they might not always be in agreement with everything the Government and its various ministries did or said , they were committed to its goals ; the same , they believed , could not be said of the Standard .
8 The same could not be said of his stenographer , seated in front of him .
9 If Mosley came to fascism as a result of the failure of the process of British parliamentary politics to create the new society , the same could not be said of others , like Chesterton and Williamson , who had little or no contact with high politics .
10 The food was very good , and when we ended the meal our stomachs were full , but the same could not be said of our wallets unfortunately !
11 But it certainly could not be said of the master-manufacturers that theirs was the whisper of a faction , nor of the unions in their post-1832 revolutionary phase that theirs was the voice of the nation .
12 The same could not be said of his companion — a tall , ravishing blonde with almond-shaped eyes and legs that went on forever , displayed to stunning effect in a little black figure-hugging dress that ended several inches above her knees .
13 That could not be said of " value " in this case which is essentially a matter of opinion .
14 These meetings could not be said to be unimportant because world Christianity ought to be seen to meet .
15 The students could not be said to be responsible for their own actions and thoughts .
16 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
17 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
18 The same could not be said for the pre-tournament favourite , Jose Maria Olazabal , who added a 75 to his opening 76 .
19 However , it could not be said with any certainty that because Mr. Wright had backed out , the dealer had sold one car less .
20 Mr Sheffield said as Mr Elderfield was not complying with his medication it may well be that he had some form of epileptic fit but it could not be said with complete confidence .
21 Whereas a person involved in the American Mafia could say , quite reasonably , ‘ what 's all the fuss about , we only kill each other ’ , the same could not be said in defence of some corporate crimes .
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