Example sentences of "could [be] expected [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Together these viewpoints have distorted the development of English education at the expense of a balanced provision in a system which could be expected to be concerned with the broad world of personal development , preparation for employment and providing for economic and community need , both local and national .
2 The Commission says that , if the Community decides to build the NET machine , it could be expected to be built on a Community site .
3 Nothing could be willingly given up , and nothing once given up could be expected to be restored .
4 Here , one might think , was an occasion when the symbol of national unity would be at its most needed , as citizens prepare to sacrifice their lives for King and Country : under conditions of national threat , the psychological strength of the symbol could be expected to be intensified ( Edelman , 1964 ; Sherif , 1966 ) .
5 The motivation for the project was : staff recognition of a need to evaluate whether children made any real progress in their written work between 1st year infants and 4th year juniors ; whether too much was expected too soon , and whether it is possible to decide an age when the average child could be expected to be competent in certain skills ; whether the language curriculum throughout the school was sufficiently broad in terms of coverage or whether there was unnecessary duplication ; whether the most able children were being stretched enough ; whether there was any justification for ‘ setting ’ across classes for certain kinds of work ; whether pooling teacher energy and resources on a common topic increased intra-staff awareness and co-operation , and co-operation and interest among children from different classes ; and finally , whether whole-school topic work appeared sufficiently worthwhile in terms of children 's learning experiences to warrant repetition at some future date .
6 " But is it really likely , sir , that the call was intended to delay the finding of the body and to give the killer time to replace the keys ? admittedly Mrs. Bidwell could be expected to be first in the Biology Department this morning when she put out the clean coats .
7 Close-fitted carpet on a well-lit passageway suggested the occupants were more affluent than the average student could be expected to be , unless of course he made a living from the less commendable pursuits some students were reputed to follow !
8 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
9 On the other hand where a family has a number of teenage children who could be expected to be in charge of their own belongings then we should consider applying the policy wording and deducting an excess for each person .
10 Particular attention will be paid to forwarding agents in inland areas where route choices via seaports could be expected to be at a maximum : ie the Midlands in England , eastern France , south-western Federal Republic of Germany , and Switzerland .
11 Releasing on Nov. 15 its budget figures for 1991 , the government stated that it planned to increase spending by 22 per cent to the equivalent of US$499,000,000 and would face a fiscal deficit of $150,000,000 , only $91,000,000 of which could be expected to be covered by future loans .
12 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
13 In certain circumstances it may become necessary to seek waivers from the Law Society , as for instance : ( 1 ) where the new office is no more than a consulting room open for restricted periods , when a waiver would normally be granted provided ( a ) the opening hours are sufficiently advertised ; ( b ) during those hours there is always in attendance a person duly qualified to manage or supervise the office and that all correspondence is seen by a partner of the firm ; and ( c ) the business of the consultancy is accounted for centrally and not as a separate business ; or ( 2 ) where the new office is an annexe ( whether housing a separate department or otherwise ) near to the main office , when a waiver could be expected to be granted if ( a ) a common switchboard is used for both main office and annexe ; ( b ) accounts are centralised ; ( c ) correspondence is attended to in the main office ; and ( d ) clients are asked to address correspondence to the main office .
14 Three separate security systems costing £31,650 would cover the lending library , childrens library and reference library and theft rates could be expected to be reduced by from 30pc to 4pc .
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