Example sentences of "could [adv] reasonably [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They claimed the cost of replacement ( £4,500 ) from the surveyor , but he denied the claim on the grounds that it was a ‘ hidden defect ’ which he could not reasonably have been expected to uncover .
2 The tribunal will only allow a trader 's appeal against such a direction if it considers that Customs could not reasonably have been satisfied : for example , if Customs have ignored a relevant matter or if they have taken an irrelevant matter into account .
3 In his confused state the Doctor could not reasonably have been expected to remember that he had been captured by Chelonians — creatures whose girth was of a considerably more impressive span than their height .
4 It is a defence that the breach of duty under the Act is attributable to hostile action in the course of any armed conflict , but it is not a defence that it is attributable to a natural disaster , notwithstanding that the disaster is of such an exceptional character that it could not reasonably have been foreseen .
5 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
6 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
7 E. Coli was a hitherto unknown disease and also , apparently , it could not reasonably have been expected that pigs would become ill from eating mouldy pig nuts .
8 If at the time of making the contract , the buyer was unaware , and could not reasonably have been aware , of the gravity of the defect , then the court would probably hold that the condition as to merchantable quality was implied .
9 Change in firm 's circumstances Where the circumstances of the firm have changed in some material respect which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the date of the agreement .
10 New evidence is not usually heard , but if it is material and could not reasonably have been heard by the Panel the Committee may hear it or refer it back to the Panel .
11 Having entered Royal Navy slang in this way the word could quite reasonably have been transferred from the specimen to the specimen collector , and , its origin forgotten , its vowels might equally reasonably have undergone a sea change making boffin out of buffon .
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