Example sentences of "its [noun sg] around [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And it evinces a rather daring readiness to weave its fiction around the world of work , where private lives are inextricably bound up with talk of profit margins and raw materials .
2 The Manport reached my ship 's airlock and clamped on , with puffs of a vapour as it formed its insta-seal around the join .
3 Other factors can alter the Earth 's climate from millennium to millennium and decade to decade , including slight changes in its orbit around the Sun , and the effects of greenhouse are superimposed on these other factors .
4 In particular , it was believed that the speed of light ought to change as the earth moves through the ether on its orbit around the sun .
5 Because of the way that the Moon moves in its orbit around the Earth , its place of rising on the horizon varies a little , each night moving a tiny amount further north until its position of rising seems to come to a halt ( a standstill ) before moving back southwards again .
6 Astronomically , this is because as the Earth moves around on its axis every 24 hours , the Moon during the day and night moves through one-thirtieth of its orbit around the Earth .
7 Even with the credibility and power of the National Gallery 's support , the Barnes Foundation faces additional legal challenges if it ever hopes to take part of its collection around the world .
8 My stomach curls its tongue around the food and smiles .
9 Ensure that you know the location of the bridle mark and are familiar with its movement around the rim of the connecting ring at any stage of adjustment .
10 An adult male dog brought into a new household can prove troublesome by cocking its leg around the furniture .
11 The house has three show façades , each one isolated from its fellow around the corner , each one with different window surrounds .
12 A tower of strength , he was for many years the Master in charge of the business side of the Library , supervising its odyssey around the School ; he had helped with lacrosse , with the School 's annual invasions of German-speaking Europe , with the financial side of the School Play .
13 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
14 A PARCEL winging its way around the country carrying a homing device may sound like something straight from the pages of a James Bond story but there is nothing top secret about the idea .
15 So really , this is no more wonderful than a dolphin learning its way around the complexities of its natural marine environment so that it may find — and catch — the best shoals of fish .
16 The path winds its way around the Newtown river and Clamerkin Lake providing some fine estuary walking and taking you inland a little .
17 He speaks of one of the ‘ largest and compleatest works in the kingdom for making iron and steel wire ’ , much of which found its way around the county in the form of ‘ cards ’ for the woollen industry .
18 Fen did n't answer , but instead of continuing straight up to the house he took a fork in the drive which then wound its way around the perimeter of the grounds , inside the high boundary walls .
19 An exciting implication , by analogy with certain tumour cells that express Lewis-X and metastasize to the lungs and liver ( the two major systemic organs through which schistosomes migrate ) , is that this sugar provides a means for the parasite to find its way around the host .
20 In contrast , the laboratory rat appears totally blind to the casual observer , using touch and feel , instead of sight , to negotiate its way around the environment .
21 Needless to say , the course winds its way around the city , but nature lovers will enjoy the two crossings of the River Thames , over the Reading and Caversham bridges .
22 All around , tacking between the galleys , milling around the Doge 's vessel , I see the myriad small craft by which for so many years Venice exerted its supremacy around the Adriatic shores .
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