Example sentences of "go [adv] [prep] the car " in BNC.

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1 And he clips them in and he goes all over the cars .
2 Well often I might see somebody waving out by the gate frantically trying to get in where he 's put one of his different size padlocks round the gate , the back gate and the front gate , and often if we need to feed the cat he 's padlocked all the different padlocks round the kitchen cupboards erm we 've been unable to get the cat food out , so we 've had to go off in the car and bring him back from a friend because he 's the only one who knows which key goes with which padlock to undo all the cupboards .
3 WHAT is going on in the car industry ?
4 I heard it certainly I heard it just going on in the car .
5 Police sources say the officers were able to hear what was going on inside the car when Sergeant Norton 's radio was accidentally switched on .
6 There they were going down to the car .
7 WHAT with car-jackings , smash-and-grab raids and bombs going off in the car park at the World Trade Centre , no wonder American motorists are turning to Bill O'Gara .
8 Well we sha n't be going out in the car today shall we ?
9 Rochers town , we were only a short way and we went to this house , we were only young coppers , and we had this friend call on us and we looked out , he was going back into the car and he looked down the street and he said , my God there 's an awful lot of children around here , they must do nothing but screw all the time
10 ‘ In two minutes I 'm going back to the car , ’ I keep muttering .
11 I was very kindly invited back to the marquee for tea , but as it was by then after 4.30pm , I decided to go straight to the car , take off my dripping mackintosh , and drive back to London , after a very happy day which raised £25,000 for the Prince 's Trust .
12 When , in his thirties , he took driving lessons and passed his test Dorothy refused to go out in the car with him : ‘ I intend to live to a ripe old age , thank you very much . ’
13 Well you do n't want to go out in the car so stop and do a bit of painting .
14 You had only to say you wished to go back to the car — ’
15 and that , that 's why their er you know , Shaun , erm , Amelda brought erm Moyra down with the babies , you know she was up there and she could help her down , but Shaun is coming down now wi , this weekend in the car and of course they 'll be able to go back in the car , erm there 's , there 's gon na be a party for erm , of course should warn the girl Of course that 's the awful thing about it is n't it ?
16 She went on down the car , clipboard hugged to her chest , answering questions , nodding and smiling , keeping the
17 Turn left onto the main road , go downhill to the car park where the Badger 's Holt tearoom serves a welcome cuppa .
18 I 'll go right to the car .
19 ‘ Can you go down to the car and bring up my medical bag ? ’ his question explained the keys .
20 They waited until the lane must surely be empty of funeral guests and then went down to the car .
21 ‘ Looks like his mate went off with the car .
22 In the early hours of yesterday morning the Drumkeen Hotel at Upper Galwally , Belfast , was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
23 The building was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
24 No I went off in the car with They climbed over the fence .
25 Dalgliesh went up to the car and opened the door .
26 I went up to the car park and across
27 Did you go up in the car the other week when you was gon na go ?
28 At first the boys went straight for the cars as usual and the girls did n't notice .
29 I watched until they went out of the car park , then I walked slowly to my own car .
30 Thinking about his mother brought Henry back to the matter in hand and , grim faced , he went out to the car to retrieve the chicken .
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