Example sentences of "what is [adv] known as " in BNC.

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1 I managed to persuade my husband that we should send daughter number three to what is reliably known as the most expensive school in Britain .
2 To cause minimum inconvenience to the locals , the flight commander calls an end to the tactical phase of the exercise and we begin a climb from What is colloquially known as the ‘ weedosphere ’ up to the dizzy height of 1,000 feet .
3 Because of the limited recruitment and early retirements in recent years , most of their teachers will come from what is loosely known as the ‘ Sixties generation ’ .
4 With the RG1 Ribber Carriage , you can knit what is often known as bird 's eye Fair Isle .
5 Every year at the start of the soaring weather we have what is sometimes known as the ‘ silly season ’ .
6 The first group consists of what is sometimes known as the exceptions to the rule nemo dat quod non habet whereby a bona fide purchaser of goods from A commits no conversion but actually obtains a good title to them even though the goods really belonged to B and B never intended to allow A to sell them .
7 This pattern had never been noticed before , but as soon as researchers started looking for it , several case studies of what is now known as phonological dyslexia were reported in rapid succession in the early 1980s .
8 Later , what is now known as National music was composed by such musicians as the Czechs Smetana and Dvorak , the Hungarian Liszt , the Norwegian Grieg , the Spanish Granados , Albeniz and De Falla , the Polish Chopin and , finally , the English Elgar and Vaughan-Williams .
9 One aspect of the landscape revolution which this entailed appears to have been major drainage works , which drastically modified the stream between the two villages , to create what is now known as the Maxey Cut .
10 The new proposals extended the rating for all works on what is now known as ‘ main river ’ — the larger watercourses — to the total catchment area .
11 It was demolished soon afterwards in the redevelopment of what is now known as the South Bank .
12 The captain of this ship , we are told , ran his vessel aground on what is now known as The Spanish Rock and one or more tailless cats clambered to safety there .
13 The present tenants of what is now known as John Dakyn House , renovated and restored and comprising six modern flats , have like the original tenants to have been born or lived in the parish for ten years , be of retirement age or invalids .
14 As mercury is now used in the construction of batteries and vapour lamps this ‘ elixir , in traditional terminology was undoubtedly what is now known as ‘ electromagnetism ’ , the vital essence of all living things .
15 Because the Metropolitan Police were objecting to reversed stairs which obstructed the driver 's vision to the left , 36–45 had Milnes ‘ Exhibition ’ staircases , which took a wide sweep in what is now known as the ‘ Normal ’ direction , i.e. the bottom step just behind the controller and the top step close to and at right angles to the bulkhead .
16 What is now known as ‘ second-wave ’ feminism emerged in the late sixties and seventies .
17 For the English-speaking nations , this concept was first realised on a substantial scale in what is now known as The Oxford English Dictionary , ( originally entitled A New English dictionary on Historical Principles ) .
18 Typologies such as traditionalism , rationalism , affectivity , industrialism , and many , many more , all reflect what is now known as variable analytic thinking .
19 What is now known as the rational expectations revolution , in conscious contradistinction to the Keynesian revolution four decades earlier , came to dominate macroeconomics , particularly in the United States where disillusionment with Keynesian ideas was particularly strong .
20 One of the main reasons is that the connections between terminals and host computers are telecommunication links , usually simple coaxial cables , with what is technically known as low band width .
21 In 1568 Matthew Parker , Archbishop of Canterbury , published a revision of what is usually known as the Great Bible , of nearly thirty years earlier .
22 It is , therefore , with a sense of mounting horror that one listens to Acheson sounding the knell of US policy in China in the letter which accompanied what is usually known as the China White paper , oblivious to the possibility that the bell was tolling for the same policy that was being reborn in Vietnam .
23 Leaving these ( and other ) theoretical generalizations aside for the moment , we turn first to the history of what is usually known as short /a/ in English , and to possible historical patterns of overlap and merger with /Ε/; and /α/.;
24 The problem concerns what is usually known as book work — the arguments laying the basis of some subject in logical terms , and developing it to a proved law or relationship .
25 This is achieved by what is usually known as the " ratchet " , namely characteristics built into the shares in Newco .
26 The great red bulk of what is popularly known as the ‘ Caley ’ Hotel , dominates the West End .
27 From the moment that you arrive at college you will be involved in what is popularly known as " taking notes " and as likely as not within a few weeks you will be the possessor of tattered notebooks filled with illegible hieroglyphics or , worse still , of masses of mixed-up bits of paper .
28 But Famlio did n't take long to see other possibilities , in the established traditional of what is ironically known as protection .
29 Suppose , for example , that what is commonly known as the general , or the community 's , interest would be served by a certain public scheme such as compulsory education in mixed ability schools whose students are drawn from mixed social backgrounds .
30 Such breeding programmes , in conjunction with the use of fertilisers and crop-protection chemicals , have given rise to what is commonly known as the ‘ Green Revolution ’ of the twentieth century .
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